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“I’d like to watch you too.” Just thinking of Cy’s large hands stroking his cock to make himself come made me hot again.

For a

minute the line was quiet, but I could hear him breathing. I hoped he could hear me. It was a strange thing for us that we could be completely together even without talking.

Finally, he said, “I hope I haven’t interrupted your evening.”

I laughed. “I’m glad you did. It was way more fun than what I’d planned.” There was another silence. “Are you okay, Cy?”

“Yeah. Yeah, I’m okay. I’ll let you get to sleep.”

“You get some rest too.”

When I hung up, I took a quick shower, put my pajamas on, and went to bed. Even after having phone sex, Cyrus showed up in my dreams. Interestingly though, he simply pulled my body against his. His large warm body spooned around mine, and held me close. He held me like he needed me. Like he wouldn’t let me go. In my sleep, I couldn’t stop the wish that our relationship was more. I tried to look at it as a moment of paradise instead of being disappointed when I woke up and knew despite how well we got along, it would never grow into something more. Especially if he ended up moving back to Chicago.

I woke up the next morning missing Cy which was strange. He’d never stayed the night before so it wasn’t like I used to him being there. Maybe it was because he wouldn’t be by tonight after I closed. Or maybe it was my worry that he wouldn’t return from Chicago. His mother needed him and it would make sense that he’d stay with her throughout her treatment and recovery.

Maybe he’d see his ex and now that he was out of the military, they’d reunite. As much as I didn’t like that idea, I wanted him to be happy, and clearly, if they’d been engaged, she’d once made him happy.

I forced myself out of bed and into the shower. Thirty minutes later I was down in the bakery prepping for the day. I wasn’t a muffin baker, but I did usually make a few breakfast oriented cupcakes for the weekend, including a cinnamon with brown sugar crumble, a buttermilk cupcake with maple syrup frosting and a bite of bacon on top, and a vanilla one with marshmallow cereal on top.

Once I opened the shop and served my first customers, I had a moment to call a couple of the prospective assistants to set up interviews. The sooner I hired and trained someone, the sooner I could be more available to help Cyrus. I could even travel with him.

I chastised myself for thinking that. Clearly, I was getting too involved. And at the same time, I wondered if he’d want me there. Last night he’d said he’d wished we were together. I fought against the idea that it meant something more. He needed his friend. That was all.

Later that afternoon, April showed up with Maya.

“Hey Miss Maya. Where have you been?”

“Hi Petal.” She ran over and hugged me.

“I’m out running errands and we thought we’d say hello,” April said.

“Do you need help, Petal?” Maya asked, her hopeful blue eyes looking up at me.

April laughed. “I think she’s tired of errands.”

I put my arm around her. “She can stay while you do your errands.”

“Yay, can I mom?”

“Are you sure, Petal?” April asked.

“Yes, absolutely. I miss having my assistant.” To seal the deal, I told Maya, “Go put your apron on.” I’d had it made for her a few years ago after she started hanging out with me sometimes in the bakery.

Maya ran back into the kitchen.

“Where are Jude and Bertie?”

“Napping probably.” She looked over the cupcakes. “Is that bacon?”

“Yes. It’s a breakfast cupcake.”

“Like a muffin?”

I laughed. “No. It’s a buttermilk cupcake with maple syrup frosting. You know, like a pancake.”

“I’ll take one. I skipped breakfast.”

Tags: Ajme Williams Heart of Hope Romance