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We’re quiet for a long stretch, watching the sparks from the fire. I feel mesmerized and so comfortable—so content—that I’m terrified of blinking, let alone leaving for three weeks. It’s my experience that feelings like this don’t last long.

Reyn sighs, resting his chin on my temple. “Let’s make a deal. We’ll meet up every day after school.”

I slide my eyes up, even though I can’t see him. “Every day?”

“Every day,” he agrees. “We’ll go to The Nerd, or the treehouse, or go get coffee, or… here. We can come here, too. Or we can stay in, even. Wherever.”

The sparks from the fire flutter into the sky, rising higher and higher. If I lower my eyelids just so, it’s almost like a perfect dream. A dream of me and Reyn, being on the dark, still lake, fireflies flickering around us. I feel the same way now that I’d felt in those dreams. Calm. Happy. Not alone.

“Every day.” I test this out in my head, deciding, “It’s a deal.” And it’s an easy one to make.

After all, the very best deals are the ones I make with my Devil.

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Tags: Angel Lawson Boys of Preston Prep Romance