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He lifted his chin, his jaw tight. “Why? Do you not like it here?”

She looked around in confusion. His place was fine. A bachelor pad, but fine.

“I like your house.”

“Do you like it enough to stay the night?”

She stalled. Was this part of the game? If so, she had no idea what rules she was working with. Honesty seemed to work, and her bluntness ensured that she never left an encounter with too many questions, so she’d go that route.

“I thought that leaving was part of this deal?”

“I meant what I said. I want time with you while you’re here.”

“You don’t like being left. And I’m not looking to be a part of an issue that’s obviously unpleasant for you.”

His eyes went dark. “You’re already an issue. But I’m asking you to stay. The night. Here with me.”

She crossed her arms, bra in hand, and yeah, she felt like an idiot. A vulnerable, silly idiot.

“Why? Are you going to take off tomorrow morning and leave me here or something?”

He walked to her, cupped her face, and kissed her. She blinked wildly, then settled into the amazing feel of his mouth.

After a long kiss, he pulled back. “My only agenda is to keep you here until tomorrow morning,” he whispered against her mouth. “Not so I can walk away. Not so you can. In the morning, we’ll eat breakfast. And then you can do whatever you want.”

She looked around. “I didn’t bring a change of clothes.”

He raised his eyebrows. “You think you’re going to need clothes?” When she laughed, he said, “Listen, I’m sorry I was an ass the first few mornings. I know it must be hard to trust me in this. I just want you to stay. That’s it. But I’ll leave it up to you.”

She looked into his eyes. She wanted to believe him. But she’d been burned too many times to take that chance. It was just a question of whether the pleasure he’d give her tonight was worth the pain she’d feel in the morning.

“Okay,” she said. “I’ll stay until noon.”

A large smile split his face, and he lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around his hips as he carried her toward his bedroom. And she found herself hugging him like her heart depended on it.

Chapter Ten

Huck pulled the soft, sweet smelling woman closer and sighed as he breathed in the scent of her hair. God, she felt real. Warm and smooth. His cock pulsed hard against her ass, and he nuzzled his head deeper into the crook of her neck and hugged her tighter.

“So real…” he murmured. He could actually believe for a moment that it was Autumn. That this wasn’t a dream. That was she was here. Wrapped around him—

He cracked his eyes open to find black hair and olive skin. She was here. The sun was peaking up through the window, and he lay in his bed, in his house, holding her.

She’d stayed.

And he’d wanted that.

More importantly, he hadn’t woken haunted by thoughts of Sydney. He’d woken from dreaming about Autumn. He’d wanted to wake with her. So many mornings, he’d been greeted by cold memories, but today? He had her.

She sighed in her sleep and snuggled closer, her ass pressing further into his hard on.

He’d never been so taken with anyone, like he was a crazy teen again, and every time the wind blew right, he was ready to pounce on her. Only Autumn was the wind. No, she was the storm. The one that came out of nowhere, kicked his ass, and then left soft little rays of sunshine behind in her wake.

She whispered his name, and it was the best sound in the world. She wiggled again, and his cock slipped along her folds, which—god almighty—were already wet. Was she thinking of him? Dreaming of him? Fuck, he hoped so.

Without going too far from her, he turned and reached for a condom from the bedside table and rolled it on. When he turned back, she was facing him, sleepy gray eyes and a happy smile fixed on him.

“Good morning,” she whispered.

Tags: Joya Ryan Chasing Love Erotic