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“Me, too.” Then in one motion, he grabbed her hips and thrust into her.

They both moaned, and he was certain he saw stars. Because the feel of her, the smell of her, the taste of her went beyond what he’d ever known. He thought he’d had good sex before? Not even comparable to her.

He pulled all the way out and rammed home again, then delivered a slap on her ass.

She threw back her head, her soft black mane splayed over her shoulders like an obsidian waterfall.

“Tell me again how much you like it,” he rasped, fucking her hard while gathering all that hair in one hand and wrapping it around his fist.

“It’s so good. You’re so good, baby. Please don’t stop. I love the sting. The heat.”

It was like she was opening up for him, showing him the secret side of herself, expressing the desires she’d hesitated to set free. Desire for him.

And the idea of that made Huck’s chest twist in a way he wanted it to keep twisting.

“I won’t stop,” he said. He tugged her hair gently and guided her up. He wrapped one hand around her breasts and held her tight against his chest as he pistoned in and out of her. Their bodies slickened with sweat. He kissed her neck, her shoulder, her ear as he overtook her and gave her everything he could. Everything that was left of him.

Which, he was realizing, might not be much. He had half a heart, half a soul, but in that moment, she could have it. All his damage, all his fear—he took her desire for him and used it to soften the pain. Lost himself over and over in her hot depths, because it was the single best thing he’d felt in years.

It wasn’t just about her mouth. Her slick folds. Her maddening touch.

It was about the way she looked at him. He’d been with other women since Sydney, but they’d only wanted something from him.

Not Autumn. She didn’t want something from him. She wanted him. The man himself.

He held her close, one arm wrapped around her middle, the other cupping her mound, and he rubbed her clit. He watched her. Could see just the side of her face, her eyes squeezed tight and the smallest smile playing over her lips.

“I’m there. Oh god, I’m going to come again… Come with me,” she said, and there was no way he could disobey. When he felt her tight sheath grip and soak him further with her orgasm, he fell over the edge, the sound of her happy cries in his ears, and he was certain this was heaven.

Autumn inhaled deeply. Huck was buried inside her, and she’d never felt more connected to anyone. He seemed to read her perfectly, even when she wasn’t quite sure what she was doing. She loved the challenge between them. Loved the playfulness and the passion. More than anything, loved that he seemed to care as much about what she wanted as he did about letting her know what he wanted.

Her ass rubbed against his torso, and the heat from his spanking made her skin light up in a way she’d never known existed.

He slowly moved to pull out of her, and she realized she’d reached back to clutch him and keep him close to her. She softened her grasp from his nape and let him step away.

“Be right back,” he said, kissed her quick on the shoulder, then disappeared down the hall toward the bathroom.

She stood up fully. Her muscles ached in a great way, but reality set in. She was in his home. Penny’s words came back:

Huck never has women over.

Huck wanted to be the leaver. But she was standing in his home. Would he still expect her to leave? Maybe since it was his home he wouldn’t have an issue with her walking out? She didn’t know. She pulled down her skirt and looked at her panties on the floor, then grabbed her tank and bra.

Something heavy and cold settled in her stomach, but she pushed past it. This was how things worked. They’d fucked, and now they were done. Time to leave. Just like Huck would want. Maybe that’s why he’d brought her here? So when she left, it wouldn’t hurt his pride, not like it had in the past. This was his home. He needed this to happen on his turf so that when they were done, he could kick her out.

That heavy ache turned to a brick of ice.

“What are you doing?” he asked, looking at her from the hallway in all his glorious nakedness. He’d taken care of the condom and now looked like a well-honed wall of graffitied muscle. The just-fucked hair and light sheen of sweat covering his body added to his endless sexiness. She wanted to groan at the sight of him.

This is a game, she reminded herself. Carefully orchestrated so she could leave without damaging his pride. She knew that. She’d gotten so caught up in the moment that she’d forgotten how this would all turn out. Which was stupid.

She put her tank on.

“I said…” He took a step closer, seemed to see what she was doing, and said in that commanding voice she’d heard a moment ago, “What. Are. You. Doing?”

She looked at him. “I’m leaving.”

Tags: Joya Ryan Chasing Love Erotic