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“Why?” He cupped her face, but she shook her head.

The look of despair was gone, and she fastened her gaze on him with intent. Part of him was glad, because when she looked at him like that, he was pretty certain her mouth was going to follow whatever path her hot stare made.

“I have a confession to make,” she said in a sexily throaty voice.


“When you smacked my ass earlier, I liked it.”

His brows shot up. This woman was awesome. No blushing. No guessing games. She just came right out with it.

“Honey, that was barely a love tap.”

“So you’ve done the spanking thing before?”

He folded his lips together for a moment. He didn’t make it a habit to talk about his past with a woman he was sleeping with. But she seemed interested, so he would be honest.

“Yes, I have. I like being in the driver’s seat.”

“So I’ve noticed,” she said and stepped closer until her lips brushed his. “Thing is, I like being in the driver’s seat, too.”

Oh, he’d more than realized that the first night they were together. It was one thing that set her apart from all of the other women he’d been with. She wasn’t a passive recipient, letting him have so much control that she simply did whatever he wanted. She wanted control, too. Wanted her needs and her desires to be part of the equation. It was the closest to collaboration with a partner he’d ever come.

“Looks like we’re both fighting for the same seat then.”

She ran her hand up his chest. “Unless…” When she reached his nipple ring, she squeezed it through his shirt, then pushed him back. He fell onto the oversized chair. “There. Now you just sit back and relax for a minute.”

“A minute?”

She walked slowly toward him. Those incredible legs teased him with every perfect flex and move. She sank to her knees before him, and he choked on his breath.

“I suspect this will only take a minute, maybe two,” she said.

“Ah, woman, you’re going to pay for those words.”

She was teasing him, goading him, but delaying the moment when she’d bring herself close enough to touch. After she’d put the idea of slapping her ass in his head that was something he was anxious to do.

Then her hands found him.

Two minutes my ass. He could last longer than that. Though the way her hands started slowly unbuttoning his shirt and running up and down his skin, he was already bursting through his jeans.

No, damn it. He’d last.

And he’d play her game. She wanted to tease? Wanted to battle with wits and bodies and see who could outlast the other? Fine with him.

Once she got his shirt open, he shrugged out of it. She leaned back and looked at him. Her eyes skated along his chest and arms, taking in his tattoos, no doubt.

Time to play, honey.

“Well, I must say, ha

ving you eye me like candy isn’t so bad.” He threaded his fingers and placed them behind his head, then reclined a little in his seat. Her gaze snapped to every move, and yeah, she liked it. She was on to him though.

Round one: Who would appear the most unaffected while being overly hot?

When those stormy eyes reached his again, she smiled like she had a secret.

“Well you just relax, big guy. Let me take over.”

Tags: Joya Ryan Chasing Love Erotic