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She raised a brow. She loved how Huck talked to her. Open and honest and sexy as hell. Never shy. Never tiptoed around the truth. At least this way she didn’t have to be afraid of how things would end. There was a kind of comfort in already knowing.

Not to mention that the small smack he’d delivered on her ass made her wet in an instant. While dancing was fun, she was ready for a different kind of tango altogether.

“Now I want to know what thought has you making those eyes at me,” he drawled in a husky voice. “You’re a difficult one to read.”

“And you want to know what I’m thinking?”

“Yes, ma’am, especially because it has you looking at me like that.”

“Like what?”

The song was almost over. He pulled her close, and she felt his hard cock rub against her stomach. Seemed he wanted her just as much as she wanted him.

“You’re looking at me like you just may want me.”

She glanced up at him. “And if I do?”

He smiled. “Then I’m going to hope that once again, you follow my lead.”

Chapter Nine

It was one thing to bring a woman back to a hotel room. It was another to bring her back to his own house. A place he never brought a woman.

But he was determined to show Autumn the night she deserved, and if that meant bringing her back to his place, he’d do what he had to do.

Besides, it was his home turf. He was in control here.

He flicked on the soft yellow light in the dining room to give a glow to the open house. It wasn’t overly big, but Huck was a single guy. One master bedroom was all he needed. The second room still had random boxes he’d hadn’t unpacked from when he’d moved out of the house he shared with Sydney. He’d loved that house, but he couldn’t stay there, not when it made him sick.

“Bachelor pad,” Autumn said. She looked around the kitchen then walked into the living room.

“Yes ma’am.” Bachelor pad was putting it mildly. While he kept things clean, it was simple, colorless, and didn’t have much except for leftover pizza and beer. At least he was pretty sure there was still leftover pizza and beer in the fridge. Shit. He hadn’t thought this through. He couldn’t really offer the woman anything other than water or a longneck.

“I like it,” she said. “It fits you.”

He watched her while she stood in his living room and looked around at his Spartan living accommodations. TV, black leather sofa, and matching oversized chair. That was about it.

With her standing there in all her beauty, he’d never realized how plain it was until that moment. She was flawless and infinitely complex.

Best of all, she was there.

In his house.

And that’s where he wanted her.

He’d never felt like this place mattered to him. It was just somewhere to hang his hat until he figured out his next move. But for the first time, with her in his living room, the place felt like home.

She faced him. “I know we give each other a hard time…”

He nodded. “Yes, you make things very hard on me.” He smiled, and she smiled back.

Then she took a step toward him, and he all but leaped for her. He took control of himself at the last moment though, and instead paced himself, met her in the center of the room at a stroll, and then looked her in the eyes.

“I wanted to thank you for what you did,” she said. “The job and the dance.”

“I’m happy to do both anytime, honey.” He tucked a lock of raven hair behind her ear. “I’ve never heard you laugh before tonight, and I must say, it’s addictive.”

“I haven’t had a reason to laugh much lately, I guess.”

Tags: Joya Ryan Chasing Love Erotic