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Laughing, Ricky climbed onto the bed and straddled his mate, settling his bare butt on Morgan’s engorged groin. “You don’t notice the similarities between us?”

Morgan placed his hands on Ricky’s knees and moved them up, caressing his thighs. “Well…” He cleared his throat and dragged his fingers over Ricky’s hips and up to his waist. “I’m sure there’s a lot. It’s just nothing comes to mind at this exact second.”

“Nothing at all?” Ricky wriggled from side to side, wedging Morgan’s dick between his cheeks.

“To be fair,” Morgan’s voice was raspy and strained. “It’s really hard to think when a beautiful man is grinding on my cock.”


Gaze locked on Ricky’s, Morgan skated his hands over Ricky’s chest, against his shoulders, and then curled them around his neck. “The most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.”

His appearance had never been front and center in Ricky’s mind, but if he’d had to describe himself, he would have used words like average or plain. But seeing himself reflected in Morgan’s adoring gaze, he felt different, special.

“Morgan?” he said softly.

“Uh-huh.” Morgan gently moved his thumbs back and forth over Ricky’s neck.

“What Lillian and I have in common is…” Nervous, he licked his lips and flicked his gaze away before refocusing on Morgan. “…we both love you.”

“Oh,” Morgan gasped. He crunched up to a sitting position, pressed his lips to Ricky’s, and gathered him close. “I love you too, mate. So very much.”

Melting into Morgan’s strong arms, Ricky reveled in the gentle touches and passionate kisses. He clutched Morgan tightly, never wanting to let go.

“Lord, Ricky.” Panting, Morgan rested his forehead against Ricky’s and ran his knuckles down the side of his face. “Being with you is like living in the very best dream.”

That Morgan could say that and mean it after everything he had put him through proved that fate did not make mistakes.

“Even after Alex had that incident earlier?”

“The boy needed to pee. It’s my fault for putting myself in target range.”

“Not sure you can change his diaper and be out of target range,” Ricky said, laughing.

“True. But now I know to cover his weapon before I go in for the assignment. Lesson learned. No harm, no foul.”

“True,” Ricky said, still giggling at the memory. He laid his head on Morgan’s shoulder and wrapped his legs around Morgan’s waist. “Peeing incident aside, he really is the best baby.”

“Absolutely.” Morgan pressed his fingers into Ricky’s shoulders, massaging his muscles.

“What are the odds the rest of our kids will be as easy?”

Morgan stilled. “The rest of our kids?”

“Uh huh.” Ricky’s heart raced as he raised his head and brushed his nose against his mate’s. “You want a big family, right?”

Morgan made a choking sound and then cleared his throat. “So much. But only if—”

“Only if I want that too.” Ricky knew Morgan enough to realize he would only ever ask for what Ricky wanted to give. “I know. And I do.”

With his arm around Ricky, anchoring him, Morgan tipped them down so Ricky was on his back with Morgan on top of him. “Yeah?”

“Uh huh. I want everything with you, Alpha.”

“Me too.” Morgan put his hands on the bed and pushed himself up so he hovered over Ricky and then he tilted his hips up and came down again, dragging his cock across Ricky’s belly. “Love you.”

As he gazed into Morgan’s eyes, Ricky felt the rightness of the moment deep in his soul. He was home with his son, embraced by his pack, and adored by his mate. He stretched out, making all his birthing skin accessible. “Ready when you are, Alpha.”

The End

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