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She unbuttons my pants and pulls down my zipper. She smiles up at me, and I feel a surge go through me as I look at her flushed cheeks, her fuck me eyes, her full lips. God, this fucking woman.

She pushes my pants and boxers down, dragging them off my feet with my shoes and socks. I stand naked before her, and she sits back on her heels for a moment, admiring the view. She gives a contented sigh and then she moves forward until she’s close enough to take my cock into her mouth.

She runs her tongue up my length, and I moan at the warm, slightly rough sensation of her tongue on me. She puts her hands on my hips, her fingers extending out across my ass cheeks. She digs her fingers in, kneading me as she runs her tongue along my length again. She’s teasing me, working me into a frenzy, and it takes every bit of willpower I have not to grab her head and force her mouth over my cock.

She finally moves her lips to my tip, running them over it, tasting the pre-cum that leaks from me, making my cock glisten. She makes an ahh sound and licks her lips.

“I love the way you taste,” she says, sending a pulse through me.

She plunges her lips over me, taking my cock deep into her mouth. She works her head fast and effectively, moving her lips up and down my length, licking circles as she goes. My hips begin to thrust of their own accord. I am fucking her mouth, claiming it. The notion almost sends me over the edge, and when Elle reaches between my legs with one hand and cups my ball sac, I almost have to tell her to stop.

I clench my jaw, holding myself back as she expertly massages my balls and sucks on my cock. The sensation of her hand and her tongue working together flood me with lust, and I can barely breathe as she works her magic.

When I can’t take any more, I reach down and hold her head in place, stepping back slightly from her. The cool air hits my cock, sending another wave of pleasure through me. She looks up at me again, a self-satisfied grin on her face. She knows exactly what she’s doing. She’s unleashing me, making me foam at the mouth with need for her.

I fall to my knees in front of her and pull her closer. I nuzzle her neck.

“Your turn,” I whisper.

Her skin puckers as the air I breathe out caresses it, tickling her. I cup her ass, pulling her body against mine, knowing she can feel how hard I am. How ready for her. I kiss her roughly on the mouth, pushing my hands into her hair and tugging on it, making her gasp as the stinging pain heightens her pleasure.

I move my hands down her back, feeling the smooth skin there. I pull down the zipper on her skirt and push it down. Her panties follow. I wrap an arm around her waist, holding her against me. I bring my other hand around to her front and push two fingers into her slit, finding her swollen clit. She’s dripping wet, warm and slippery. I rub her clit with my two fingers, putting on enough pressure to bring her close to the edge, but not enough to send her tumbling over it.

She throws her head back, moaning in frustration as I work her, leaving her on the edge of her climax. I run my tongue up her exposed throat, tasting her scent and the salty goodness of her skin. I nip the skin gently between my teeth, and she sucks in a sharp breath.

She writhes on my hand, pressing herself down onto my fingers, upping the pressure on her clit. I nip her skin between my teeth a little harder, giving her a warning, and she shudders, bringing her thrusting hips to a halt. I can feel her muscles clenching with pent-up desire, and I run my tongue back down her throat, taking her breast in my mouth again. I ease more pressure onto her clit as I suck hard on her nipple.

She cries out, and I feel a warm rush of liquid flooding from her. I release her breast as her climax rushes ever closer.

“Not yet,” I warn her.

Her pussy is mine. I say when she gets to come. She cries out in frustration as I move my hand away from her clit. Her head comes back up, and she meets my eye, her face twisted, pained, as she waits for me to give her the release she needs.

I move my fingers backward, finding the opening to her pussy, relishing the sticky wetness that coats it. I push my fingers inside her, and she moans as I push them in and out of her. She shifts slightly, moving her legs further apart, letting me go deeper. I push my fingers all the way into her, slamming them in, hard and fast, just how I know she likes it.

Tags: Lola StVil Dirty Ever After Billionaire Romance