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“Do you have to go straight back to the office?” I ask as he digs in his pocket for his car keys.

He shakes his head.

“No, but you don’t have to be afraid, Elle. He—”

He trails off as he looks up and catches my eye. I know the desire I feel, the hunger for him, is written all over my face. He looks at me for a moment, and I see that desire reflected on his face. He is looking at me like he used to, how he looked at me before he threw me down on the bed and ravished me.

I am dripping wet just looking at that expression, knowing what he wants to do to me.

“Take me home, Falcon,” I say in a voice so thick with lust, I hardly recognize it as my own.



I thought Elle would hate me after what I did. Following her, and then beating the shit out of Franklin. I would have killed him if she hadn’t begged me not to, and I know she knows it. I expected her to scream and shout and curse me. I expected her to lose her shit entirely and to have to spend a long time begging for her forgiveness.

What I didn’t expect was the look she gave me in the car. The look she used to give me. The one that said take me now. My cock jumped to attention at that look, and all through the drive home, it has been trying to burst out of my pants. I am so fucking ready for this. I am so ready to reconnect with Elle and to remind her that she is mine. To claim her pussy as I did on our wedding night.

The drive home has been spent in silence, but there’s nothing uncomfortable about it. It’s a silence heavy with promise, the silence of two people who don’t trust themselves not to just pull into a rest stop and fuck by the side of the road if they have any contact with each other. It seems like the drive takes forever, but finally, I am parking the car, and we’re getting out.

I fumble for the door key, and I finally get it into the lock and get the door open. We’re barely through it when Elle turns to me and throws herself into my waiting arms.

I kick the front door closed as our lips meet. It’s like we have been locked in cages and now we’re free as our lips touch. Our hands are all over each other, clutching, grabbing, pulling us closer, tighter together.

My cock is straining against my pants, and my stomach is a churning pit of need for Elle. I push my tongue into her mouth, probing, claiming it as my own. We tear at each other’s clothes. Her blouse is gone, her bra close behind it. My jacket and tie are off, my shirt untucked and hanging loose, unbuttoned.

I can feel Elle’s hard nipples pressing against my chest, and I have to taste them, pull on them, bite them. I have to remind her that her body is mine, her soul is mine, she is all mine and only mine.

I kiss down her neck, feeling the fast pulse in her jugular as my lips skim over it. I bend to her right breast, sucking it into my mouth, swirling my tongue around it. Elle gasps and grabs two handfuls of my hair, holding my head in place. I catch her left nipple between my thumb and forefinger, and she holds my hair. I bite down on one nipple and tug on the other at the same time. I’m gentle at first, pulling forth nothing but a hissed-in breath from Elle.

I do it again, harder this time, and this time I am rewarded with an ahh sound. I smile to myself as I slip her breast across my lips, releasing the plump part of it, and tease only her nipple. I flick my tongue back and forth across it until she moans my name in a low voice dripping with the need for more.

I kiss her breastbone, then her neck, coming back to her mouth. She returns my kiss. I can almost taste her need as she sucks on my tongue. She pushes my shirtsleeves down my arms, and the shirt falls to the floor.

She pulls back from my kiss and traces her tongue down the center of my chest and over my stomach. She kneels before me and reaches up and lightly strokes my cock through my pants. I almost come just at that, her gentlest of touches. It’s the effect she’s always had on me. Whenever we are together, I just lose myself in her. I turn into one giant fucking nerve ending, every touch heightened, every caress more intense than the last one.

Tags: Lola StVil Dirty Ever After Billionaire Romance