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She’s panting now, barely able to catch her breath as I work her and she fights to hold back her climax. I pull my fingers back out of her and move them once more to her clit. She scrunches her face up when I press on it and closes her eyes.

I bring her to the edge, and then I stop.

“Elle, look at me,” I command.

Her eyes open and she holds my gaze. I can see the need in her eyes, the pure lust she’s feeling for me, and my cock twitches again.

I press hard on her clit and move my fingers quickly, holding nothing back. I keep her gaze on mine, and I say one word.


She relaxes, letting her climax come. Her face scrunches as the pleasure courses through her. Her mouth goes slack, dropping open slightly as she gasps for breath, moaning my name as she comes hard. I keep pressing on her clit, faster and faster. I can feel it throbbing beneath my touch, bringing her into another wave of pleasure before the first one has subsided. She is panting, gasping for air, her hands clenching me, twisting the flesh on my back in her hands. The stinging pain it brings makes my cock twitch again. I can’t hold off much longer. I have to be inside her. I have to feel her tight little pussy clench around me, pulling me into her. I have to claim her.

She is on to her third climax now. Her pussy is so wet her juices are running over my hand, down my wrist, dripping onto the floor. I can smell her: heat, musk, and an exotic smell that drives me fucking wild. Her mouth is all the way open as she fights for a breath that doesn’t come as she goes once more over the edge. Her gaze is no longer focused on mine. Her eyes roll in their sockets.

I press down again on her clit, and she finally sucks in a big breath, which comes back out of her as a long scream that becomes my name and then trails off into an animalistic moan. I slip my fingers out of her slit and hold her in my arms, pulling her closer against my chest. Her head flops forward, resting on my shoulder, and she makes an mmm sound and then she’s gasping, panting for the breath she needed when she hit her climax. Her body trembles with pleasure, until I feel it go limp as her muscles relax. I run my fingers up and down her back until her breathing evens out.

She lifts her head off my shoulder and brushes her lips across mine. Her eyes meet mine again, and she runs her tongue over her lips.

I lift her off the floor slightly with one arm, and her skirt and panties fall past her knees. I lower her back down and pull them away from her. I smile at her and caress her cheek. I bring my legs around to the front of me and sit on the floor, pulling her into my lap. She wraps her legs around my waist, her arms around my shoulders.

I reach around and line the tip of my cock up with her pussy. I don’t give her any warning; I just plunge all the way into her. She gasps, and her eyes light up, a flush coming to her cheeks, her neck, and her chest as I begin to move within her. She grips me tighter with her legs, pushing me in deeper, taking my full length.

My cock claims her pussy, penetrating her, making her mine. She is more mine with each thrust, more mine each time she cries out as I pound into her. I hold her hips, lifting her slightly and slamming her down onto my cock with each thrust. Her breasts bounce with each thrust, rubbing against me, turning me on even more.

She presses down on my shoulders as I lift her hips, making each thrust harder and deeper. She squeezes her pussy, making herself tighter, clenching around my cock. It’s almost more than I can bear, but I’m not done with her yet. She’s going to come again before I let myself go.

I move my hands, holding her around the waist and pushing myself back up onto my knees with the other hand. She clings to me as I get to my feet, still holding her to me. I kiss her, a long hard kiss that sends shivers down my back. Her hands are in my hair again, pressing my lips tighter against hers. She’s riding me, pulling herself up and down by the fistfuls of hair she clutches.

It’s agonizing, but each tug, each shock of pain, wakes up extra nerve endings, and I feel my climax coming, building up through my whole body.

Tags: Lola StVil Dirty Ever After Billionaire Romance