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“You’re going to pay for that,” he says with a glint in his eye.

I feel a tingling anticipation fill me. He slams into me, and I gasp as he stretches me, fills me again. There is no reprieve for me now, the gentleness of earlier is gone as he slams into me over and over again. He picks up his pace, and an orgasm explodes through me with no warning, no buildup. Just one moment it’s not there, and the next moment it is.

It takes me a moment to catch my breath as my body goes rigid and the orgasm flows through me, elevating me to another level. My eyes are open, but I can barely see as the lust clouds them.

Denton is almost there as my orgasm releases me. He’s moving fast now, short, sharp strokes that hit my G-spot. His breathing is ragged, his face twisted in ecstasy. I thrust my hips against him, matching his rhythm. He pants harder, barely able to catch his breath.

His strokes get longer, faster.

“Oh fuck,” he moans as his cock begins to twitch inside of me. “Robin.”

My name comes out of him on a breathy note, a long, drawn-out word that seems to pain him as it’s dragged from him. His cock twitches again and then he’s still as it spurts warmth into me again and again. His face is twisted, frozen in agonized pleasure. His muscles are taut. I cling to him, digging my nails into his back as he spurts into me one more time.

He breaths again. He pulls away from me and collapses onto the bed beside me. He slips his hand over mine, and we interlock our fingers. We lie that way for a long time, getting our breaths back, letting our battered bodies recover a little.

Finally, he turns onto his side and wraps his arm around my stomach. I roll over so I’m facing him, one hand cushioning my face. Every part of me hurts, and I love it.

“Happy Valentine’s Day,” he says again with a grin.

I laugh. He reaches up and strokes my face gently and tucks my hair behind my ear.

“Are you alright?” he asks.

I smile.

“Better than alright. Everything hurts and yet I’ve never felt so good. I don’t even know how to describe how fucking amazing that felt.”

He runs his fingers over my shoulder and down my arm, tracing circles on my skin.

“You were awesome, Robin. You took it all and still had more to give.”

He kisses me gently. My lips are swollen and sore, but his gentle kiss soothes them. I reach out and rest my hand on his hip. He pulls back and kisses my forehead. I am suddenly overcome with exhaustion like my body has finally given up on me after the thrashing it’s taken. I can feel my eyes closing.

I drag them back open. I don’t want to fall asleep. I want to lie here with Denton, enjoying the feel of his body next to mine. He smiles as I pull my eyes open again.

“It looks like I’ve worn you out,” he says.

“Mmhmm,” I mutter sleepily.

It’s all I can manage. I don’t have the energy to speak. My eyes slip closed again. I feel Denton moving, and I force myself to wake up. Is he leaving me here alone?

He isn’t going anywhere. He shifts position so he’s lying on his back. He moves closer to me and lifts his arm. It takes everything I have to lift my head. He puts his arm beneath it, and I lay my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arm around my shoulders, and I bring my arm up and lay it across his stomach.

I fight to stay awake. He turns his head and kisses me on the top of my head.

“Go to sleep, babe. You’re exhausted.”

I don’t want to. I want to just lie here in Denton’s arms and enjoy him, but my body is done, and it seems I have no choice. My eyes close again, and this time, I don’t have enough energy left to drag them back open. I fall into a dreamless sleep.

I wake up and look to the side. The bed is empty. I know it’s late; the room is already light. I look at the clock. I’m shocked to see it’s after ten. I guess I wore myself out last night as well as Robin.

She was absolutely amazing last night. She took everything I gave her, and it will forever be etched in my memory. Her face twisting in ecstasy as she came again and again. The way her pussy clenched around me and wouldn’t let go. Just all of it. All of her.

My cock stiffens as I picture her in my mind, her cheeks flushed and her eyes rolling in their sockets as she rode wave after wave of pleasure. I was worried I had pushed her too far when she passed out, but she came around and straddled me, riding me hard. She’s got some stamina, that girl, and her body knows no limits.

Tags: Lola StVil Dirty Ever After Billionaire Romance