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“I still can’t believe you did this, and I had no idea,” Kenzie admits as we lie in bed that night. We’ll start packing and officially move in next weekend.

“Good. That was my plan.” I lean up on my elbow and rest my palm on her stomach. “I can’t wait to hold our baby.”

“Me too. Is it weird that I kinda hope it’s twins? One of each…”

I arch a brow, waiting for her to tell me she’s joking. Except she’s not.

“Amora says she wants a sister and a brother.” Kenzie grins. “I told her we wouldn’t know the gender for a while but that we’d love the baby no matter what.”

“Well…I guess that means we’ll just have to keep goin’ until we give her one of each.” I flash her a wink.

“I’d love nothing more than a houseful of kids with you, Cowboy. You make me so happy.”

I bring our mouths together. “And I’ll spend the rest of my life making sure it always stays that way.”

Bonus Epilogue



February is my favorite month of the year.

It’s the month my adoption was finalized and when I became a big sister.

I watched Mommy’s belly grow and even felt little kicks. She let me help decorate the nursery, which was so much fun. Daddy and I bought lots of toys, and at the baby shower, I got to open presents.

Though they told me we couldn’t pick what the baby was, I prayed hard every night for one of each. The day of the ultrasound, I got to go and crossed my fingers and toes on the whole way to the hospital.

That was the day we found out there were two babies in Mommy’s tummy. They decided not to find out their genders beforehand. It was a surprise to all of us when they were born—a boy and a girl.

I was so excited and told them I prayed for it, but they just smiled at me. However, I knew better. God always answers children’s prayers. It’s how I found my new family. I asked for parents who’d love me, and shortly after, I was sent to them.

My mom before Kenzie loved me a lot too, and she promised to always look over me. She got sick with some kind of cancer, and sometimes I feel her presence though I’m not sure how. When I asked if I could name my sister after her, they immediately said yes. Then told me I could name my brother too.

Since I’m seven now and very responsible, Mom and Dad let me hold them for as long as I want. Or until they cry. When I talk to them, Matilda makes the silliest noises, which usually wakes up Micah, and then he squirms. We call them Tillie and Mikey.

“What’re you doin’ up, sweetie? You should be in bed,” Mom says when she catches me peeking into the nursery. Though they normally sleep in my parents’ room, Mom comes in here when Dad’s sleeping.

“I heard the babies crying and wanted to help.”

“Oh, you precious angel. Micah doesn’t like his diaper changed is all.” She grins. “You wanna rock Tillie while I feed him?”

I nod frantically, then jump into one of the rocking chairs. Mom wraps her up in a blanket burrito before setting her in my arms. After adjusting the pillow underneath, she presses a kiss to my forehead. Mom takes Mikey and sits in the other rocker while he eats.

“So what do you think about having two newborns in the house? Pretty big change, huh?” she asks softly.

I smile and nod. “I love it! Can we have two more?”

Mom makes a funny choking sound, then laughs. “Oh, sweetheart. I think we’re gonna have our hands full with them for a while but tell your aunt Maize it’s her turn since Maverick turns two soon.”

I giggle, then Mom does too. Soon, Daddy walks in and asks what’s going on.

“I got Tillie to sleep,” I whisper proudly.

“You sure did, honey.” He picks her up and lets me know he’s going to put her back in the bassinet. When he returns, he lifts me and says I need to go back to bed too.

“But I’m not tired,” I tell him.

“Your body needs sleep. It’s how you grow to be big and strong. Just like me,” he teases, tickling my belly.

I squirm until he stops and tucks me back into my big girl bed. I love my new room; it’s big and decorated with unicorns. “Can you tell me another bedtime story?”

“Sure, kiddo. How about I tell you the one where I finally won over your mama.” He laughs, handing me my teddy bear.

“You mean when I won you?” Mom interrupts from the doorway. “That auction started it all.”

“Is that true?” I ask him.

Dad winks at Mom, and it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling. “Nah. She had won me over long before that.”

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