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“What are you doing? I want to see him.”

He shook his head. “We didn’t finish the job. And if we don’t get the last two cars to our client tonight, our reputation is fucked.”

“I need to see him, Atlas.” She looked into his eyes, giving him her most determined expression.

“We don’t have time,” he gritted through his teeth.

Luke came up behind her. “Atlas is right. We need your help but we have to move now.”

“I’ll help you but—”

“You can’t see him while he’s with the doctor anyway.” Atlas said, looking huge and immovable. “And if he finds out you’re here, he’ll know we’re planning to use you to finish the job. He’s already bitchy and after tonight, I’ll be surprised if he ever lets you out of the house again.”

She rolled her eyes.

“I’m serious, Addison,” he continued. “If you want your shot in the group, and you want to help Fox, now’s your chance.”

Luke spoke up. “I promise he’ll be okay, as long as the doctor doesn’t strangle him. He’s a shit patient. Fox will be here when we get back. He’s not going anywhere.”

She wanted to help, but only seeing that he was okay with her own eyes would unknot the ball of anxiety in her chest. Especially after she’d been distant with him all week. It was killing her to think that he could have died not knowing how she felt about him.

“Addison,” Atlas barked, commanding her attention.

“All right, all right.” She caved with a sigh. “What do you need me to do?”

“Get in the car,” he answered. “You’re our chauffeur tonight.”


“You’re sure he’s okay?” Addison asked again, watching the taillights in front of her as they made their way through the city. Being the driver wasn’t as boring when the car was a Mustang, but it was hard to be excited about driving it with visions of Fox bleeding out distracting her.

“Still yes,” Luke replied, but she could hear the tenseness in his voice. This had shaken him up too.

“What if Marcel finds us?”

Luke grunted. “Fox said Marcel ran into a guardrail and the accident looked pretty bad. Hopefully he’ll lay low for the rest of the night and won’t tell his guys to hassle us. They know we can’t call the cops, though, so keep an eye out.”

“Easy on the gas,” Atlas scolded her from the backseat. “We need to deliver this car in one piece.”

She was driving one of the marks but they’d changed the license plate back at the house before they’d left. “You can’t put me behind of the wheel of this thing then tell me to drive like a granny!” She eased her foot off the gas a little anyway.

Next to her, Luke chuckled then turned to look at Atlas. “We need the Audi. Should we head toward the hospital?”

“Yeah, let’s check there.”

Addison’s brow scrunched in confusion until she realized there was a good chance a doctor or surgeon would drive one. This was all very enlightening. She was taking mental notes of everything they said so she’d be more helpful next time. If there was a next time.

Fox getting shot really screwed things up. His brother and cousin were right. He’d never let her out of the house again. She had to win Atlas and Luke over. Tonight was her chance.

Flashing police lights ahead made her step on the brake. Her chest tightened. Were they looking for Fox? Were they looking for Luke and Atlas?

“Slow down,” Luke told her.

“I am.” She follo

wed the line of cars to the left lane to avoid the police flares and debris on the road.

Luke rubbernecked as she crept by a crash site. “Whoa.”

Tags: Sparrow Beckett Masters of Adrenaline Erotic