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“From the man whose ex is still blackmailing him to keep her mouth shut?” Fox’s father shot back.

Ooh. Low blow.

“Yeah, well, don’t fuck an accountant or a cop and you’ll be fine.” His uncle chuckled with self-derision. “How was I supposed to know she wouldn’t believe we ran a thriving computer repair business?”

“You asked her

to keep the books, idiot,” his father reminded him.

The sun and the company were giving him a headache, but at least they were only visiting for a couple of days. It was going to feel longer without seeing Addison. He didn’t want to drag her over here if his dad and his uncle were going to be dumbasses to her though. Time enough for her to walk through that fire if things between them got serious.

Chapter 11

The smell of onions cooking lured Addison from her room and into the kitchen. Mariella stood at their tiny stove, stirring something in a steaming pot.

“What are you making?” Addison leaned against the breakfast bar that split the living room and kitchen.

“I’m glad you’re up,” Mariella said, facing the stove. “Taste this.” She scooped liquid from the pot then brought it over to Addison.

Since Mariella had started culinary school, Addison had been her guinea pig. Not that she minded. The last few years, she’d been surviving on cheap packaged food, with the exception of Sunday night dinners at her parents’ house. It was refreshing to have actual human food a few times a week, even if it was a little burnt now and then. Still, Mariella was a better chef than Addison’s mother. Her mom stuck to a few basics—meat loaf, steak and potatoes, chicken casserole. Mariella’s food was much more adventurous.

Addison sipped the broth off the spoon. “Wow. That’s good, Mari.”

Mariella smiled then went back to the stove. “It’s a twist on chicken soup I’m trying. Gave it a little Dominican flavor.” She winked.

“Mmm,” Addison smacked her lips together. “Jeez. If I was into girls, I’d marry you.” With her adorable curly hair, smooth dark skin, and gorgeous smile, who wouldn’t?

Laughing, Mariella gave her a cocky look. “As if I’d go for you.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You have commitment issues.”

“I do not!”

Mariella snorted while Addison grumbled under her breath. Her friend was starting to sound like her parents, always going on about her relationship status. But she wasn’t a commitment-phobe. She just hadn’t found anyone interesting enough to keep around for long. There was a difference.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said to Mariella. “You’re more high-maintenance than I am. And you’re supposed to be a lesbian.”

“Stereotype much?” She turned and waved a spoon at Addison. “Me liking girls has nothing to do with wanting to look nice when I go out dancing. Speaking of which . . . Where the hell is the new skirt I left in your car?

“In the wash. I had to borrow it. It was a girl emergency.” Mariella was probably better off not knowing what went on in that skirt on the rooftop club.

“A girl emergency?” She put a hand on her hip. “Did you meet some guy you suddenly had to impress?”

Addison dropped her gaze. A moment later, she realized her mistake.

Mariella gasped. “You did! You bitch!” She threw a kitchen towel at her but Addison caught it. “Why didn’t you tell me? Spill. I want all the details.”

Her head fell back and she sighed loudly. “Nooo.”

This was exactly why she hadn’t been hanging out here much. What she had with Fox wasn’t what you’d call a normal boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. It was a weird, twisted, kinky mess. Part business partners, part mind-blowing sex. Then there was some amount of friendship and romantic feelings but . . . Those were the things that eventually bored her with other guys.

Nothing about Fox was boring. Even their dates were a blast. She remembered the rush of getting the tattoo, then how warm and intimate she felt about him after. In the moment, it’d been more intense than stealing her first car. But now, she burned with embarrassment. She’d actually thought she had feelings for him. Ridiculous. Maybe. They barely knew each other. Maybe adrenaline and sex didn’t mix as well as she’d thought they did. It made her temporarily insane.

“No wonder you’ve been so distracted lately,” Mariella said with a sly smile.

“No, I haven’t!”

Tags: Sparrow Beckett Masters of Adrenaline Erotic