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“But what did I do?” She dug her fingers into the pristine white bedspread, bracing herself for the worst.

“You implied I was boring you, and you were rude and demanding.” He smoothed her hair and she sighed at the affectionate gesture. “You need to be taught that things will happen when I want them to, and not a minute sooner.”

“But!” she objected, not sure what she was going to say next. A good argument wasn’t forthcoming. “But you want to fuck me. Why are you making me wait?”

“I’ve had a raging hard-on since before we left my garage. Why shouldn’t I make you wait?”

“But I’ve been horny since then too!” He was punishing her for that? It was his own damn fault. If he would have told her where they were going, she wouldn’t have started anything they couldn’t finish. Well . . . maybe that was a lie. Teasing him was fun, but not if he was going to start taking it out on her hide. “Maybe I should punish you, since you’re the one who started it. Maybe I should just safeword and walk out of here. You?

??re too cocky for your own good.”

“Like you’d walk away now, before I get you off.”

That made her glare at the duvet, but mostly because it was true. How was she supposed to gain the upper hand with him if he already knew her too well?

Without warning, one of his big hands came down on her ass—twice, three times, picking up force with each smack until her butt was on fire and her teeth were rattling. The man knew what he was doing, and made it hurt in ways she never wanted to end. By the time he hit twenty her brain melted into a puddle which oozed out of her mouth and was rapidly soaking the bedding.

“Still bored?” he finally asked, just as she considered using her safeword.

“No, Fox.” Fuck, she’d almost said “Sir.” It was short and almost sounded the same, at least in her current frame of mind.

“Spread your legs,” he growled.

“No!” No? No, what? She wasn’t sure if she was refusing to do what he said, or complaining about how the spanking had made her feel. Or maybe she was protesting the rush of bone-weakening heat that was her body’s automatic reaction to his commands. For a not-Dom the man was pretty damn dommy. Whenever she was around him, her body was a groupie at his rock concert. It was undignified, but she didn’t seem to have any control over her reactions to him.

“Now, Addison, or you’re not going to like the consequences.” Oh god, his tone would have melted her panties off if he’d left her wearing any.

She spread her legs with feigned reluctance, but if he didn’t touch her soon, she was pretty sure she was going to die.

He slid what felt like two fingers back into her, filling her and making her choke on the sensation. All the bits between her legs throbbed. He let a finger trail to the front and back of her entrance, rubbing at her clit and her ass. As much as she wanted to, he held her still and wouldn’t let her push back harder against his fingers. He teased and toyed with her, playing her body like he owned it and knew it more intimately than she did, keeping her on the verge of coming without letting her go over.

In her head there was plenty of screaming and begging, but she refused to do more than breathe like she’d spent too long on the stair climber at the gym. When she came, she was going to come so fucking hard, but she wanted his cock, not his fingers.

He stopped too soon, leaving her on the very edge of a now-ruined and desperately needed orgasm.

“No, no, no!” she screeched. She struggled to get up, but he held her down.

“No, what?”

All she managed was a series of incoherent whines.

“You seem upset about something,” he replied, sounding completely unaffected, but the hard-on digging into her hip said otherwise.

“Stop being a tease.”

“It’s good for you.” She couldn’t see him from this position, but his voice was full of amusement that had an edge. “Are you that against asking nicely for what you need?”

“I don’t make you ask for what you need, so why should I have to ask?”

“Because you don’t get to come until I let you.”

“You can’t control what I do when you’re not around,” she grumbled. Okay, so her latest masturbation fantasy starred him not letting her come, and a few times she’d even stopped before she got off, but he didn’t need that kind of boost to his ego. How was it possible for him to give her a fetish for orgasm denial? It seemed counterintuitive.

“Maybe not, but when you’re with me, you’ll ask to come like a good girl.”

Mentally daring him to stop her, she forced a hand down between her legs, and almost touched her clit when he caught her and forced both arms behind her back, pinning them there. He lifted his knees, and her ass with them, and bit her hard on her already throbbing ass cheek. Fuck! The pain only made her hotter for him.

He stood gradually, and slid her down his legs and onto the floor. Standing, he towered over her. She scrambled to get up, but he caught her by the hair when she’d reached her knees.

Tags: Sparrow Beckett Masters of Adrenaline Erotic