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“I’ll take you out on a job, sweetheart.” Luke winked at her.

Fox growled and slung an arm around her shoulders. Possessive much? She grinned inwardly, liking that he wanted her for himself. Whether it was to get rid of her or tie her up in the basement like he’d mentioned earlier was irrelevant. She’d made him want her. Twice now, he’d kissed her. Could she squeeze herself into his group as easily? They were guarded, which was natural and smart. Honestly, she’d have been suspicious if they’d let her in right away. But all she wanted was a chance. A test, an internship, something to show them she had value.

“She seems capable of looking out for herself,” Luke said.

“I like him.” She looked at Fox but pointed at his cousin. Fox’s eyes darkened, making her shiver. Luke was hot, and sweet to take her side, but it was Fox who could make her melt with a look. The waiter came and the tension dissipated. Luke ordered a beer then looked at her.

“Apple martini, please.”

When the waiter left, Fox sighed and rubbed his face tiredly. “It’s not her I’m worried about.” He looked down at her. “If you fuck up, we go to jail. You think I’m gonna risk that so you can play your little games?”

Fuck you too. “I know all about the risks,” she snapped. “And I would never get in your way or get you caught.” And the next time he called what she did “little games” she was going to deck him.

“You already are in the way.”

“Then take me with you. At least you’ll know where I am.”

He arched a brow. “If I lock you in my basement, I’ll know where you are too.”

“You had that chance and didn’t run with it.”

His eyes widened with a hint of surprise. He knew she was an adrenaline junkie. Why whould he be shocked she’d be into kink?

“Sassy thing,” he murmured.

Atlas cleared his throat. “Take her to bed if you want, but it’s too soon to trust her with anything else.”

Her body agreed with the bed part, but she kept her head fully in charge. Sort of. Her girly bits still wanted to rub up against him. Though ultimately, if she wanted to be a business partner, would she be losing anything to be his bed partner first? Fuck no. He was hot and had already almost gotten her off twice, which was more than some of her exes could say. And she was all for the tying up and screaming thing he’d mentioned earlier. Her body was screaming for him right now.

“You said she seemed to know what she was doing,” Luke chimed in. “Maybe some fresh blood would be good for us. Not as a partner—just as a temporary . . . friend. I say we give her a chance. Show her some shit, take her on a few jobs. Let her prove herself.”

Grinning up at Fox, she waited for an answer, happy to have an ally.

He glared at his cousin. “No.” His tone suggested he wouldn’t tolerate arguing. Would Luke stand up to him or did Fox really call the shots? She got the feeling it was the latter.

Sighing, Luke leaned back. “Whatever you say. But I don’t get the feeling she’s going to give up.”

“Nope.” He didn’t know the half of it. Still smiling, she looked at Fox. “Like I said before, I never give up.”

His eyes narrowed. “We’ll see if you can keep up without that tracking device.”

She chuckled darkly. “I bet you can’t find it.”

“I’ll take that bet.” His grin was menacing. “What do I get if I do?”

Interesting idea. She thought for a moment before answering, “One night in your basement.”

He laughed. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” After a short pause, he added, “All right. I can’t say no to one night with a beautiful woman even if she is a pain in the ass. What if I don’t find it?”

“Hmm. Maybe I should tie you up.”

“Uh-uh.” He shook his head. “I don’t play that way, sweetheart. Ever.”

Inhaling a steady breath, she tried again. “Okay. Then you take me out on a job.”

Luke laughed and even Atlas chuckled. But Fox stayed silent. Was it that hard of a bet to take?

“Come on,” Luke said. “If you’re not interested, I’ll take her bet. I’ve already thought of several things I’d like to do with her when I win.”

Tags: Sparrow Beckett Masters of Adrenaline Erotic