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“Lie down, Marilyn,” he commands, and I hear a yawn and the comfortable snuffle of a well-trained dog getting comfortable. He never breaks eye contact.

“Daniel,” he says in that same voice, and I nod. Nod at whatever he’s asking because whatever he wants I want it too.

He kisses me deep and hard and I pull his hips toward mine to fit us more tightly together. He moves to my neck, his stubble scraping sweetly across my throat as he kisses my neck slowly and bites the muscle there. I pull in a breath and moan, pushing my hips into his. Every scrape of his teeth sends a pulse to my groin. I’ve gotten hard so fast I’m overwhelmed, like all the blood drained from my head and rushed to my erection.

His mouth is soft and powerful, and I slide a hand into his hair to guide his lips back to mine. I push up on my tiptoes to get better access. Our kiss is like a conversation: getting to know each other, tilting to find each other, exploring.

I nip at Rex’s full lower lip and he growls, frustrated, and grabs my ass in his hands, pulling me against him and lifting me off the ground to hold me against the tree with no effort at all. I wrap my thighs around his hips and he thrusts against me.

I’ve never been with someone so built, and his strength is driving me crazy. It’s like I could do anything to him without hurting him and he could do anything to me, which makes my mind spiral to a thousand places at once.

He pushes harder against me, spreading my legs with his body until he can grind against me. He’s holding my whole weight like it’s nothing and as he rocks into me he brings our cocks into perfect alignment.

“Fuck,” I breathe, stiffening with the effort of not coming right away. It’s been too long. He eases off a little, still kissing me, and lowers me to the ground.

“I want to feel you. Can I?” he asks, and he slides one warm palm down the back of my pants, cupping the muscle, running a thick finger between my cheeks. I shiver against him and nod again, going for his pants. He stops my hands and, for a second, I think it’s going to be a repeat of what happened in his cabin all over again. But he just looks at me intently and says, “Tell me I can touch you.”

“You can touch me—shit!” The second the words leave my mouth, he pushes my pants and underwear down and grabs my ass with both hands.

“Your book,” he says.


“Your book’s getting all messed up again,” he says, and I look down to where my copy of The Secret History is once again on the ground. Note to self: try not to step on your iPod.

“’S fine,” I say, reaching for him again.

He spreads me apart and kisses me with a hunger that makes me tremble as I fumble with his pants. When I finally drag his jeans and boxer briefs down, his erection springs out, hard and thick against his belly. He pushes me back against the tree and thrusts against me and, as our cocks meet skin to skin for the first time, we both moan. He’s all hardness and heat and he bites his lip and looks into my eyes as he rocks against me.

“C’mere,” Rex says, and he lifts me again, pulling me against his body, my back against the trunk of the tree. As he holds me steady, I thrust against him and shudder with pleasure. He groans and runs possessive hands over my lower back and hips. He spreads the globes of my ass and runs a thick finger down the crevice between them, circling my opening and making me shiver and clench up. He brings his finger up to my mouth and I suck on it. Then there’s wetness at my opening, wringing tiny shudders from me. He leans in to kiss me hard, sucks on my lower lip, and strokes me open. I cry out into Rex’s mouth as his finger slides inside.

“Oh god.”

“Is this okay?” he asks. I nod enthusiastically, my head falling back against the tree.

“Tell me,” he whispers.

“Fuck, it’s good,” I say, my eyes clenched tight.

“The night I met you,” Rex says against my mouth, “all I could think about was getting inside you.” He strokes inside of me with his thick finger, thrusting against me as he speaks. His voice is low, smoke curling around me. “Your mouth.” He kisses me. “Your gorgeous ass.” He flexes his wrist and fucks me with his finger. My arms fall against his shoulders, curl around his neck. I clench around his finger and he growls, rutting harder against me.

Tags: Roan Parrish Middle of Somewhere Erotic