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"Very new." I smile sweetly, and then I start to walk away when he pulls at my hand, catching me off guard.

"We're having a large dock party tonight. You're welcome to come. I could introduce you to some of the locals, help you make some friends."

He seems harmless enough, but vampires... er... I mean, night stalkers... are strongest under the moonlight. If they're here, they'll be hunting at night. My mother would flip the hell out if I was attacked, and knowing her, she'd level the town before our council could pass a verdict.


, maybe," I lie, having no intentions of risking it.

"Here," he says, releasing my hand and scribbling down an address on a napkin. "If you decide to show, just come here. We might take one of the boats for a cruise later tonight. There will be a bonfire on shore."

I smile, showing a little gratitude, and then I wave sweetly at him after taking the proffered address.


Walking away, I felt his eyes on me. He was cute, but not my type. Unfortunately, I've got a nasty habit for being drawn to the bad, bad, very bad boys. I sure as hell don't want to end up like my mother. She has worse taste in men than I do.

"Alyssa, can you stay until nine tonight?" Francine asks as I walk behind the counter. "Darlene just called in, and we don't have anyone to cover."

"Um, yeah. I could use the extra cash."

Crap. So much for enjoying my first night alone in my new house.

"Thank you. You're a life saver."

At least now I'll be one step closer to getting a car.

The streets are dark, and my feet are killing me. I was supposed to get to leave at nine, but I ended up having to stay until eleven. What a great first day.

The night is perfect at least, just a slight breeze. Putting the diner to my back, I start walking home. I hate walking.

A chill hits my neck, as if a breath is being blown against it, but I turn to see nothing. Then I feel it again, and I roll my eyes.

"You can show yourself, Frankie."

No one answers, and my skin crawls. I assumed it was Frankie, my mother's best friend. He loves scaring the shit out of me. But he usually always starts laughing by now.

"Frankie?" I prompt, my hand tingling at my side as my magic starts to stir, ready to be used.

Nothing happens, and no one answers. Sighing, I turn around and slam into a hard body, almost falling to the ground before strong arms wrap around me, pulling me back to a safe balance.

"You okay?" a smooth voice asks, and I grumble to myself as I try to look up at him.

My knees wobble, my heart thuds, and my palms begin sweating as I stare into the gorgeous green eyes of a dark haired beauty. The way I'm shivering over him means he has to be terrible for my health.

His strong, chiseled face is nothing but flawless, and his dark hair sways with the wind, making me jealous of the fact I can't touch it with such ease.

I blush when I realize my hands are resting on his incredible waist, and he smirks in a way that makes me damn near dissolve.

"I said, are you okay?" he repeats, making my cheeks heat more when I realize I've forgotten how to damn speak.

"Um… yeah… you just startled me. Where'd you come from?"

He shrugs, nodding his head toward the diner.

"I was heading toward the diner for some pie, but I see I was too late. They sometimes stay open a little later if there are customers lingering around."

His smile is disarming, far too perfect. He's too frigging hot to be part of this small town… or human.

Tags: C.M. Owens Deadly Beauties Vampires