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“I’m never going to be upset with him over something you did. I don’t know you and I don’t care to at this moment.”

“Well, good, because I don’t really like talking to women unless it’s about business. They tend to want to talk about feelings and shit, and that’s just too chick for me.”

She arches an unamused eyebrow while glaring at me.

“Except Bella,” I amend. “I like talking to Bella. And Brin’s cool when she’s talking about something evil she wants to do to Rye.”

Her lips twitch, but she doesn’t allow herself to smile. Finally, she blows out a long breath.

“Are you messing with her head?”

“Pretty sure she’s the one messing with mine,” I admit.

Again, she tries not to smile.

“Bella’s not an easy one to get close to. She’s friends with everyone, but close with very few.”

“I’m aware. It took a lot of stalking just to get her to warm up to me the first time,” I confess. This time, she laughs.

“I’ll wait out here. If she doesn’t want you here, I’ll be staying. But I’ll give you a chance to see if she’ll let you prove yourself.”

She thrusts a few more bags at me, and I struggle to collect them all as fast as she’s handing them to me. Holy shit. Did she buy out the grocery store? And why do chicks think you have to get it all in one load?

“Her favorite soups are in there. Keep her hydrated. If her fever gets too high, take her to a doctor, even if you have to take her kicking and screaming.”

As she rattles off a bunch of other instructions, I start struggling under the weight of the entire fucking store she bought. But I stay patient until she’s finished. She gives me one last wary glance before moving toward the door.

“Ten minutes. I’ll wait out here for ten minutes. Then I’m coming in.”

Instead of arguing, I let her open the door for me, and I walk into the dark house. Every single curtain is closed, which Allie said to make sure I kept them closed, since Bella has a headache.

I can barely see what I’m doing as I put the bags down on the ground and stumble my way toward the living room. Fucking eh.

As soon as I enter the living room, Bella jerks upright, going still, even though it’s hard to see her. In the next second, she squeals and grabs something before launching it, and I curse when a hammer slams into my head from across the room.

“Motherfucker!” I snap, grabbing my head that is still pounding.

That damn thing hits the ground and starts vibrating against the tile, dancing in a circle at my feet. That’s when I realize I didn’t just get hit by a hammer. Is that… Is that a fucking… No way…

Chapter 33


A noise startles me, and I jolt awake in time to see a shadowy figure looming near the e

ntrance of my living room. That’s way too big to be Allie.

Groggy and worried I’m still dreaming, I shriek and grab the first thing I can before throwing it across the room with all my strength. Thank you, adrenaline. Save my life while you’re working.

“Motherfucker!” the man yells, and I scramble back on the couch as my Magic Wand hits the ground and starts rattling on the floor.

As my eyes adjust to the dark, I stare in horrified fascination as Ethan comes into view. He’s clutching his head where I nailed him with my… Oh shit.

“Did you really just hit me with a damn vibrator?” he asks, sounding more confused than angry.

I cover my mouth with my hands, trying not to laugh.

“It was the first thing I could grab.”

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance