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I mean, her car is in the driveway. Why not drive it?

“Because mine was full of things from the school play Angel is putting on, and I needed to pick up some things for Bella.”

I really don’t know what to say to that, but Allie doesn’t look like she wants me to just walk into Bella’s house without some sort of explanation.

“I take it you’re the roses and nightie sender? I kind of had a feeling it was you,” she states flatly.

We really suck at sneaking around.

“Um… Any chance you could withhold that information from Wren? I’d like to tell him myself.”

She doesn’t show any emotion as she leans against the back of Bella’s car.

“Considering how poorly she received those gifts, I don’t think she’s into you anymore. What’d you do?”

“What makes you assume I’m the one who did something?” I immediately shoot back a little angrily.

Did I mention I suck at talking to people? I’m used to cutthroat businessmen and women. Not regular people.

Allie doesn’t back down though or even seem the least bit intimidated.

“Because Bella has a habit of picking guys who don’t appreciate her. She’s too good for the jerks who treat her like shit on a side dish. You’re not going in there unless you tell me what you did.”

Groaning, I run a hand through my hair, and I do tell her. Because apparently Allie isn’t the meek woman I thought she was. Right now, she’s a vicious guard dog waiting for a reason to bite.

When I finish laying out the minor misunderstanding, she looks pissed.

“How many girls party at your house?” she asks randomly.

“Hell if I know. Why?”

“Because Bella has one guy at her house who answers her phone, and you react like that? Just go, Ethan. She deserves someone who isn’t looking for a reason to break her, and you’re an idiot and a hypocrite.”

She pushes off from the car and moves around to the back door of the car. I catch the door before she can open it fully, and I glare at her.

“I have my reasons for reacting the way I did. It won’t happen again. And I’m not telling you my reasons until I explain things to Bella.”

“Well, not today. She’s sick. And I’m talking high fever, barely able to move, flu-like sick. She needs to see a doctor, but she won’t. Never does. A nurse who doesn’t see the doctor… Yeah, it’s irony, but it’s Bella. And I’m staying until she feels better.”

Bella’s sick? Shit.

“I’ll stay. You don’t need to stay and get sick, considering you have a kid.”

She snorts before jerking the door. I let it go, and she leans in and grabs some bags that I snatch out of her hands.

“I mean it, Allie. You can poke your chest out like you’re big and bad, but I have no qualms about ignoring you and pretending you don’t exist. It’s not like you’re strong enough to stop me from going in there. I’m staying with her, and when she feels up to talking, I’ll explain what went down.”

She eyes me like she’s deciding whether or not she wants to stab me or slap me. Heh. I feel kind of sorry for Wren now.

“Look, Wren’s already worried you’re ready to bail on him. If you start staying here, he’s going to panic even more.”

Her eyes soften, and she takes a breath. “I’m never going to bail on him. Why does he think that?”

I shrug. “I don’t know, but he didn’t want me around Bella because he was worried I’d fuck up—”

“Like you did,” she interrupts.

“—and then you’d be upset with him,” I finish, acting like she didn’t butt in.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance