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Deciding I can’t stand here all day and think about it, I resume my walk home. My car is still back at the hospital, because I walked to that damn milkshake shop.

I don’t know if I feel guilty or relieved that Ethan is finally finished with me. But I do feel like I need to apologize.

I hate my life sometimes.

My phone chirps, and I read a message from Ruby.

RUBY: 911 – my friend Bo needs some serious girl time, and you’re the best person to help me out. We’re taking her to Silk.

I don’t think I’m in any position to help anyone out, but I blow out a breath and decide to roll with it. At least a night out will help me get Ethan out of my head.

ME: Send me the address.

Ruby has briefly filled me in on the Bo and Jax thing, but she’s more concerned about Bo than the breakup. Bo seems to be struggling to find herself.

Been there. Done that. Thought I was finished with that portion of my life… Until that bastard started stalking me and making me question my reasonable life plan.

After rushing home, showering and changing, I head to the address Ruby gave me. Bo’s apartment building is one hell of a badass place, and I have to ride up the elevator to the fifteenth floor.

The door is unlocked, and I walk in like I have the right to. Holy mother of pearl. Her apartment is bigger than my house.

“Get dressed,” I hear Ruby saying, which reminds me I’m supposed to be on girl duty.

“Why?” asks another voice, and I walk into the bedroom unannounced.

Bo startles when she sees me, but I just flash a smile at her. This is what I’m good at—being a good girl friend even to strangers. I just suck at all the other stuff.

“Bella, will you grab those black boots in the back of the closet?” Ruby asks me.

I’m dressed like I’m on the prowl, but in reality, I just want to go home and crash. Not that I let them know that. I’m not a total buzzkill.

“What’s going on?” I hear Bo asking as I fall in love with her amazing freaking closet. Holy jackpot! Can’t I just be gay and sweep Bo off her feet?

“We’re taking you to Silk,” I tell her as I force my eyes to zero in on the wall of incredible shoes.

I’m fairly sure I just whimpered.

I snatch up a pair of the most perfect black boots the world has ever seen, and maybe I drool a little.

“You said you wanted to get out more,” Ruby tells her. “Even said you needed to get over your issues with groups. And I don’t trust you to be alone anymore, so I’m taking you with us.”

“And the best way to get over a man is to get under a new one,” I add, forcing a smile I don’t feel.

I go back to help Ruby find a shirt for Bo, and I fall a little more in love with this closet when I realize it’s organized by the color wheel. Seriously, why can’t I be gay?

“You’ve showered today, right?” Ruby asks.

I hope she’s not talking to me. Surely I got the hospital smell off—

“I worked today, so yes; I’ve showered,” Bo tells her, and I try not to laugh at myself.

They talk about Jax and the breakup, which all seems a little sad to me. I don’t need to hear sad stuff. I need to hear about all the happy couples who are in love and happily living life. It motivates me to find my own slice of perfection.

But I’m starting to think that I’m such a horrible person that no amount of good deeds can redeem my tarnished soul. Maybe this is my punishment—staying in a lather, rinse, repeat cycle of all the wrong choices I’ve made.

Tonight, I’ll do another good deed, and that involves being a good friend. Eventually karma has to stop punishing me for the past and start rewarding me for the present.

Chapter 16

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance