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“Told you I had a type,” she says, pulling at the door handle.

I release it, my jaw ticking as I step back and let her step over the threshold. She whirls around, and she gives me a bitter smile.

“Ethan?” Lynn calls from the living room, reminding me I have to deal with her on top of everything else.

“Enjoy being a frat boy. Just leave me alone. Please,” Bella states flatly, and my head falls back as she turns and starts walking away.

“I drove you,” I remind her.

“I need the cardio,” she says without looking back.

I slam the door, moving toward the living room where Lynn is biting her lip nervously.

“Sorry. Was that your girlfriend?” she asks with fake contrition.

“You need to go,” I tell her, tossing her purse at her chest.

She squeals as she catches it.

“But my panties,” she reminds me, and I grab my wallet.

Shoving forty dollars in her hand, I start pushing her toward the door, and she stumbles over her own feet to move with my pace.

“Buy another pair. On me.”

I push her all the way out, then I lock the door before heading to my garage. Bella just reminded me why I don’t do relationships. I should fucking thank her.

I’ve never liked being labeled. I’ve always hated being called a liar. And I don’t do drama.

I don’t care how bad she’s under my skin, I’ll find a way to get the hell over it.

Chapter 15


Just as I reach the end of the block, the distinct sound of a crotch rocket pulls up beside me. I glance over to see the shiny, reflective glass of a helmet. But I know whose dark eyes are hiding behind the tinted lens.

After lingering for a second, he zips by, but he parks just ahead of me and tugs off his helmet. I really don’t have time for this crap. Right now, I just want to go home and get the smell of the hospital off me. I’d also like to wash away his scent.

Ethan runs a hand through his hair just as I near him, and he arches an eyebrow at me.

“Krysta—Ruby’s sister—is the girl I took home,” he states without any sort of emotion in his voice.

My footsteps falter, and I end up stopping just a few feet away from him.

“She’s too young to be getting wasted at my house,” he goes on. “I didn’t trust someone else not to take advantage of her, since she’s going through some stuff right now. As for Lynn, I got my leg cut before we ever got down to business. So no, Bella, I didn’t lie to you. But you’d know that if you bothered to fucking hear me out. But go ahead and think you have it all figured out, and keep going on your desperate dates. As for me, you’re finally getting your wish. I’m done trying to play this game with you. Turns out that it’s not my thing.”

I don’t even get the chance to speak before he pops his helmet back on and revs out of the space he was in, zigging in between traffic and heading back toward the city.

I’m not sure what I would have said even if I had been able to form words in time. Desperate dates?

Okay, so maybe they are a little desperate, but not as desperate as thinking a guy like him is magically going to be a steady, legitimate boyfriend.

Magic is for fairytales, and I stopped believing in happily-ever-afters with guys like him a long time ago. Guys like him can have any girl they want, and they usually do.

Happily-ever-afters come from guys who don’t have hundreds of other options at their greedy little fingertips.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance