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Not one single person seems surprised.

I knew he’d already told them.

“That’s definitely one way to claim someone,” Kode says with a grin.

“He’s already marked her with his name permanently,” Britt points out, sipping her soda while everyone else delights in the good stuff.

Who told her about that?

“So much for keeping a secret,” I grumble, glaring over my shoulder at Corbin.

He seems so happy, and his smile is so real, that my twinge of anger melts away. He kisses me while pulling me down onto his lap, seating us in the booth with everyone else.

“Where’s Carrie?” I ask Rain, hoping to shift the subject off us.

“Elizabeth stole her for a girls’ night.”

She smiles brightly at that.

“She stole mine as well,” Allie says, her smile almost looking painful. “Carrie and Angel have gotten incredibly close.”

Britt is reading her phone, which makes my lips twitch.

“Is she still studying… positions?” I ask Dane, who immediately glares at me.

Wren chokes on a drink, and Dane turns his glare on him.

“Learning about college social interaction,” Britt says, apparently knowing I was referring to her without bothering to look up.

“I’ll remind you of this when Angel is old enough to be in the same curious state Britt is in,” Dane tells Wren, who immediately stops laughing, looking as though he just swallowed his tongue while turning a fairly alarming shade of green.

“Not so funny anymore, is it?” Dane goads, smirking like he has finally shut Wren up for good.

Wren cuts his eyes toward Allie, who isn’t bothering to hide her taunting grin.

“Angel is going to be locked up as soon as she hits puberty.”

Laughing, I turn my attention to Allie again. “Where’s Bella?”

Allie frowns. “I don’t know. I thought she’d be here by now. I told her we were going out, but I forgot my phone.”

Shrugging, I pull mine out.

ME: You coming to Silk?

Almost immediately there’s a response.

BELLA: Not tonight. My British man Max has me walking funny and feeling too sensitive for clothing below the waist. If you know what I mean. :(


ME: I know what you mean. Not sure why you’re frowning. Btw, meeting Max should be very awkward now.

“So?” Maverick prompts. “What’d she say?”

“Um… Apparently she’s not coming.” I snicker to myself when I momentarily morph into a teenage boy and silently add… She’s not coming because she’s been coming all day.

“What? Why?” Allie asks, and I fight really damn hard to keep a straight face. “She’s had a good day, but she’s tired.”

My phone dings as Allie’s brow furrows.

BELLA: OMG!! I hate my ducking phone. I meant my Brazilian Max!

Okay… Ducking? Not sure why she’s so bent out of shape about calling him British instead of Brazilian. I’m fairly sure that wouldn’t be offensive. Or at least I wouldn’t think so. Are the countries at odds or something?

Another text comes through before I can ask that question.


And another.

BELLA: Damn it! I mean Max!

And another…

BELLA: WTF?!?! Brazilian WAX! That’s why I’m walking funny and have sensitivity issues. There is no mother clucking Max. Fuck my world.

BELLA: Obviously that should not say clucking. I give up. Leave me alone.

I burst out laughing, unable to catch my breath. Corbin plucks my phone out of my hands, reading the insane texts to himself, and he starts laughing as well. Before I know it, he’s passing it around the table, and laughter spills out of everyone.

“Poor Bella,” Allie says on a chuckle.

Maverick is texting furiously, grinning like he’s definitely up to no good.

“Are you texting her?” Corbin asks him.

“Hells yes. I’m asking if she got a sphynx kitty today. I’m also asking if it likes bananas.”

Dale sputters his drink, and Dane groans.

“What is that?” I stupidly ask, only wrapping my head around his context too late.

“It’s a feline that is naturally hairless. Need me to spell it out for you?” Maverick drawls, winking.

“The information inside your head is sometimes scary,” Dale points out while shaking his head.

My phone makes it back to me about the time it dings with a new text.

BELLA: I hate you so hard right now.

Wiping tears out of my eyes, I try to stop laughing while sending her a smiley face and a kissy face emoji. Then I put my phone away as Corbin rests his chin on top of my head, lazily keeping his arms around me.

After spending three weeks absorbed in Corbin, all I want to do is leave the crowd and get back to the house so we can resume getting to know each other… in every way possible. It’s happening all over again. I thought I could guard my heart, but I’m more in love with him now than I’ve ever been.

Not that I plan to tell him that any time soon.

“I like this,” Corbin says, nibbling my neck and making speaking a little hard to do.

“You’ve had this for three weeks,” I remind him, leaning back against him as he works his mouth magic.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance