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“One of those weeks I didn’t get to see you. And we haven’t gone out since we got together, because you wanted to keep it a secret.”

I try to say something snarky, but all that escapes me is a moan when he sucks on a spot at the base of my neck.

The chatter around the table is lost on us, because we’re too busy being lost in each other. Why did we even bother coming out?

“You didn’t keep it a secret,” I finally manage to say, even though I can’t even muster up one ounce of annoyance because I’m too busy being all breathy and hormonal.

He’s so bad for my health. Literally. Pretty sure my heart isn’t supposed to race this much this often.

“You didn’t triple dare me to.” He makes it sound as though that should have been obvious.

Twisting around, I kiss him, ignoring the catcalls and whistles that emerge behind us. I’m still afraid he’s going to shatter me at any second, but I’m no longer letting it hold me back. I honestly don’t think I’ve held back at all in the past three weeks.

Like an idiot, I jumped into the deep end the second he broke back in.

His phone vibrates against my ass, and I jump, which prompts him to laugh. “Thinking you still have on those panties?” he muses, winking at me like it’s the greatest joke ever.

Rolling my eyes, I turn away as he answers his phone.

“Slow down,” I hear him yell over the music. “Krysta, slow down. We’ll be right there.”

Blood ices in my veins, and I quickly scramble off his lap as he jumps up and grabs my hand, pulling me behind him while keeping his phone to his ear.

“We’re on our way. Just stay put.”

As he hangs up, the night air blasts us on the way out.

“Corbin, what the hell?” I demand, practically running to keep up with his long strides.

“I don’t know. Krysta was crying too hard.”

My stomach knots over and over, and Corbin takes my hand in his as soon as we’re in the car, a soothing motion that does nothing to taper my panic.

“Krysta is dramatic,” he reminds me. “It’s possible it’s nothing, Ruby. She’s called me sobbing numerous times in the past. Your mom drives her fucking crazy.”

“She’s supposed to be at my house,” I growl. “Why is she over there? And why did she call you instead of me?”

“Fuck if I know, Ruby,” he says calmly, kissing the back of my hand, acting as though he’s not flying down the street.

In no time, he’s screeching to a halt outside of my mother’s house, and we both rush in. The door is standing wide open, things are shattered everywhere. Furniture has been moved like someone has shoved it or something. It looks like there’s been a brawl.

My heart is thudding in my ears as I run toward the shouting. It’s nothing more than unintelligible, shrill sounds. Until we get closer. Just as we reach my mother’s bedroom, I stumble, barely stopping myself from falling.

Krysta’s arms are bleeding as she stands, holding a knife and screaming at our mother, who is apologizing and crying so hard.

“Tell him!” Krysta shouts. “Tell him what you told me!”


Corbin looks as confused as I do, and he steps closer, putting himself between me and Krysta as she flails around the arm that is holding the knife.

“Krysta, calm down,” he says gently.

I try to step around him, but he grabs me and forces me back behind him. Krysta wipes her running nose with her arm, and the knife moves with the motion.

“She’s lying, Corbin. She has to be,” she sobs. Turning back to our mother, she screams, “Tell him!”

Cassie’s eyes are wide, and she casts a pleading look toward me, silently imploring me to help her.

“Fine!” Krysta yells. “Tell Ruby the sick reason you kept feeding her things that put her in the hospital! Let them know how deranged and disgusting you really are!”

It’s not until then that I see the huge gash on my mother’s arm. She’s clutching it, trying to stop the bleeding. She’s pale and sickly looking, on the verge of passing out.

“She’s right. Just get her out of here, and I’ll tell you everything. Don’t let the cops find her holding that knife. I need… I need a hos—”

“You need to shut the fuck up!” Krysta yells louder.

As much as I hate to agree with Cassie, she really does need a hospital, and Krysta needs one too. Her arms are bloody, as though she’s accidentally nicked them both several times. At least I hope those are accidental.

“Tell them!” Krysta sobs. “Tell them who my father is!”

My heart slams into my ribs, and Corbin tenses beside me. No…

Cassie’s tears slide down her cheeks, but she looks away, not speaking.

“And he’s known all my life, isn’t that right, Mother,” Krysta hisses. “He sends her a big fat check every month to keep his dirty little secret. And Lisa knows, too.”

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance