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“Do you fucking mind? Why is your dick out in front of my girl?!”

Rolling my eyes, I look apologetically at Gene. “Ignore him. Sometimes I forget I’m dating a caveman in Armani.”

I resume the tattoo, while Gene continues to cover his crotch. He mutters something I can’t hear over the buzzing, and Corbin continues to glare at me like he can will me to step away from the half-naked man with nothing but his thoughts.

Guess Corbin is serious about that damn text and finally outing us.

“Are you going to let me get my damn tat in peace?” Gene snarls, keeping his eyes forward instead of looking behind him where Corbin looks like he’s ready to spit fire.

I finish up the piece, ignoring the overload of testosterone.

“Did you forget we have Silk plans?” Corbin growls, still glaring at me just as I pull my hand back and admire four straight hours of work. “I went to your house.”

“Nope. Did you forget I work for a living?”

I try to suppress my grin, because I don’t want him to know how much I enjoy his jealous side. It’s cute… like a cuddly rabid dog.

I clean up Gene, ignoring the muttering coming from my favorite caveman. Gene grunts a, “Thank you,” to me as he stands and pulls his pants and boxers up in unison.

He glares at Corbin before turning his attention back to me. “You can do better than some pretty boy, Little Red.”

He winks, and Corbin takes a step forward. Rolling my eyes, I stand and go kiss Corbin on the cheek, defusing some of his anger as Gene chuckles and walks out.

“I’m not a pretty boy,” Corbin says loudly, then frowns when everyone in the shop laughs under their breath. “I’m not,” he says quieter, looking at me like he’s waiting on me to agree.

“If I thought you were a pretty boy, I wouldn’t be dating you.”

He grins, and I freaking giggle like some… girl when he picks me up and kisses me.

“Can’t wait to see you in your new shirt,” he announces, pulling it out from behind his back and holding it up, dangling it in front of me as though he’s fishing for a reaction.

My giggles stop immediately.

Sure enough, the shirt looks just like it did in the picture.

I belong to Corbin Fucking Sterling. In small print, it has one other little added bit of humiliation. Fuck off.

“We said we were going to keep things quiet.”

“That was three weeks ago. I’m sick of being quiet,” Corbin says as he steps into me, nipping at my lips.

“Stipulations?” I sigh.

“You have to wear it for two straight weeks.”

“No. Hell no. That means I’d have to do laundry daily, and you know better than to think that’s a possibility.”

He actually grins like he was expecting that answer. “Good,” he says with a shrug. “So you reject those stipulations. That means you can’t reject the next ones.”

Okay… This already sucks.

“Every Monday and Friday for the next two months, you’ll wear that shirt.”

That’s not so bad…

“And,” he adds, grinning, “One more thing. I get another triple dare, since this will be too easy.”

I consider it again. “I really don’t want to do laundry daily,” I mumble.

He beams at me. “Good. Then it’s settled. Don’t forget it’s still my turn.”



“Rye and Brin coming tonight?” I ask Corbin, laughing when he curses.

“No.” He casts me a sideways glance as we get out of the car. “Why?”

I shrug nonchalantly. “No reason.”

Brin is going to help me prank Corbin at least one good time, and I want him leery of me, letting the suspense build. It just makes it that much sweeter.

“I’ll never look at those damn spotted beasts the same again,” he mutters under his breath.

“You got something good out of the deal,” I remind him.

His eyes immediately go to my mouth, and he adjusts himself before backing me up against the car.

“Trying to get me excited before we walk in?” he asks, grabbing my ass and pulling me closer.

I bite my bottom lip for dramatic effect, slowly letting it release as his eyes stay fixed on my mouth.

He groans while rolling his eyes, then he kisses me, sucking my tongue into his mouth and toying with the bar.

“As much as I love that piercing,” he says, pulling back, “it’s still not my favorite.”

Yeah… We should just go back home… Thinking about how much he enjoys playing with said favorite piercing has me squirming.

“After watching The Sweetest Thing, I was worried about how your mouth on my dick was going to work out. Glad that was bullshit.”

“You lost me. All I heard was, blah blah chick flick.”

He starts laughing while shaking his head and pulling me toward the doors. Whistles erupt all around us as we walk into the Friday night crowd at Silk. Dane grins like the devil, as does Rain. Maverick stands and claps as though something major has transpired.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance