Page List


I just shake my head as I pull away from the curb. Maggie—Brin’s best friend—waves with a huge smile on her face, sitting on her porch across from Rye and Brin’s home, and I wave back.

My window lowers, and she laughs while saying, “Even blue, his ass is nice.”

My laughter has just stopped, but it starts up again as I talk to her for a few minutes about our unruly and weird friends. But I finally decide to head off, leaving her to keep Rye from committing murder on her own.

My distraction is over, and now my own drama is back. What do I do to fix the dam I broke with Allie?

Chapter 22



Sexual attraction is out of this world.

He loves Angel.

He’s so damn nice…





If this worked out, Angel would have both parents full time.

If this worked out, Angel would have everything she ever dreamt of.

If this worked out, I’d also have a family.

He’d give Angel the world if he could.

I’d get to have guilt-free sex with Wren all the time.


He’s too leashed to let me know how he feels.

He fights me harder than I fight him—unless he’s drunk.

Wren drunk = traumatic memories, and I don’t know if I can get past that.

If it went bad, Angel would suffer.

If it went bad, we’d lose the friendship we’ve just started.

If it went bad, his friends might start talking poorly about me in front of Angel.

If it went bad, I might lose that closeness I’ve just developed with Melanie.

I keep studying my pro/con list with a shrewd eye, knowing I’m not listing anywhere close to everything. But it’s hard to concentrate when I can’t stop thinking about anything other than his lips on mine. Oh. Incredible kisser. I need to add that to the Pro column.

It’s been over a week since the Christmas party, and I’ve barely spoken to him. The few conversations we’ve had have been stilted, as though he’s intentionally being nothing more than cordial toward me. And he’s gone out of his way to not touch me.

Which leads me to the conclusion that he does remember exactly what happened between us the night of the Christmas party. Either he regrets it, or he’s under the impression that I turned him down for reasons other than he was drunk. Or maybe he’s embarrassed.

I’m. So. Confused!

“Still studying that pro/con list?” Bella muses, sitting down at the bar while I scribble down another con—Wren is confusing.

“Yes. A lot of good it’s doing me. I’m sure as hell not making the first move, and I think he’d rather ride piggyback naked on a glacier than to touch me again.”

“You both feel the attraction, Allie. You’ve said he’s confessed as much. But this is all very overwhelming. The guy just found out he has a daughter, and let’s face it, you hated him. It has just gotten to where you can tolerate him.”

I roll my eyes.

“I went straight from hate to lust to… I don’t know what,” I groan, eliciting a small chuckle for her.

“This is why I’m glad I’m no longer looking for that guy who can blow my mind. I want more control.”

Control—stupid freaking control. Bella and Wren are perfect for each other because they both want complete control over their emotions.

That thought roils my stomach. I’d kick her ass. Then I’d beat the hell out of him.

“Well, my mind isn’t blown; it’s a freaking mess.”

She pats my arm sympathetically while I continue to study my pointless list. It’s dark outside, and I’m bored out of my mind. I don’t know what to do with myself without Angel here.

“It feels weird being here without Angel, doesn’t it?” Bella asks, doing that freaky thing where she seems to read my mind again.

I’m trying not to freak out. Thank God she has her own phone, even though I thought it was over the top when Wren initially got it for her. But it’s come in handy, since I can at least call her whenever I want.

This is the longest I’ve ever gone without her, and it’s a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. But she’s having so much fun that it makes it worth it. It’s only been three days, but it feels like weeks. I still have to make it three more before I can join her.

“Yeah,” I say, frowning as I continue to add things to the list to distract me from missing my baby girl. Pro—he watches movies with us without complaining. “Don’t make me think about it. Especially since you’re about to go on a date. I need to distract myself.”

Con—he really does suck at making popcorn. A small smile curves up on my lips as I write that one down.

“I could ask Benjamin if he has a friend.”

My head pops up, and I stare at her, confused. “I thought you were dating Doc Pervy.”

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance