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That dress hugs every bit of her body like a well-fitted glove. Her body is something to behold, and I want it under me.

So don't need to go there.

Raya walks by her and takes a seat next to Rye, who puts his arm around her. I wasn't aware they knew each other, and I'm worried Kade might kill him if he sees this. Dude is psycho where Raya is concerned. I know.

"You look pissy," Rye says, poking at Raya who seems to be... well, pissed.

"She's drunk," Rain chirps, grinning like she just swiped a treasure trove of secrets.

I can't help but notice her stagger, and then my eyes go wide.

"Rain, dammit! You can't drink with your meds."

She swats at me like I'm the idiot.

"I've just had a sip or two," she lies. "Besides, I skipped the pain meds today."

"I'm pretty fucking positive you're not supposed to drink after having surgery," I scold.

She laughs as though I'm being funny. I'm not amused. Not. At. All.

"You'll take care of me," she says while taking a step closer.

Maybe I'm a little amused.

"You think?" I ask, trying not to grin, but failing miserably.

"I know."

She puts her arms around my waist and hugs me, and I smile while wrapping my arms around her. Damn, I forgot how much I love this girl. I also forgot how quickly my body reacts to her.

I shift to accommodate the hardening in my pants, hoping she doesn't feel it against her.

"Rain and Dane are definitely back," Maverick sings, laughing with Corbin as they stare at us.

I just roll my eyes while taking a seat. We're all cramped, but there's still not enough room for everyone to sit down. So, in the effort of saving some elbow room, I tug Rain to be in my lap, not worrying about the scrutinizing eyes on us when she comes willingly.

She rests her head on my shoulder, and her lips graze my chest. I don't care if I get lipstick stains all over my shirt, I hope she doesn't stop.

"Tria's here," Rain grumbles, making me tense.

Shit. I didn't prepare for this. Tria left after the first day, and I told her I had everything under control because Rain didn't want her there. What do I say now?

Tria forces a smile as she starts toward us, but one look at Dale, Corbin, and Maverick has her deciding to walk away.

"You just gonna let your sister walk around aimlessly?" Rye drawls, his eyes on Rain.

"S'not my fault she doesn't have friends."

No. It's all of our fault. Dammit.

"Tria!" I call, grimacing when Rain gets stiff in my arms.

Tria hesitates to turn around, but she does so reluctantly. She forces another smile before slowly making her way toward us. Ash gets up and drops to Tag's lap, vacating her chair and making room for Tria. Tag holds her to him, smiling devilishly as he enjoys the new seating arrangement.

Rye smirks as Tria takes the seat beside him, and Wren rolls his eyes when he wraps an arm around her. Now the bastard has an arm around Tria and Raya. I hope Kade kicks his ass.

He wisely never lets his eyes roam over Rain. At least he has some sense.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance