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"She went to check on Raya. Something is wrong, and Kade is being pretty damn obvious about it," Tag growls, his eyes trained on the vineyard owner as the Colton heir bounces from one group of people to another, pointing to the various tables all around.

I pull out my phone as they talk, but I tune them out. I hate that Raya and Kade are having problems, but right now there's another problem that needs my attention. When I hear the answer on the other end of the phone, I separate from the group to have privacy.

"Where are you?" I ask, trying to rein in my temper.

"New York. Staying at a Waldorf right now. I've got a few appointments spread out this week," Kode answers, his tone hollow and dry.

"Rain is worried about you, and she just had surgery. She doesn't need the stress."

"I heard. Gallbladder surgery. The guys should kick her ass for not telling someone. Is she okay?"

I've been where he is. A hull of the person you thought you were when your heart is ripped out, but I don't want him to lose her the way I did. Rain doesn't want to lose him.

"She's fine...ish. She's still sore, and you know Rain, she doesn't like to really express her need for help. She misses you. You should come check on her."

He snorts derisively. "Mav says you've been staying at her house. You two fell right back into step easily enough. Congrats."

I roll my eyes at the prideful fool. I was eighteen when I made this mistake. He's too old to repeat it.

"Don't ice her out, Kode. You'll regret it."

He grows silent, and for a second, I'm worried he's hung up on me. I start to check when he finally responds.

"I can't see her right now, but I'll see her soon."

"How soon?" I prompt.

"Sooner than six years," he mumbles before hanging up on me.

I curse him, regretting ever mentioning the truth about my issues with Rain. I told him almost two years ago. I don't know what I was thinking, but after several drinks, it all just poured out of me. No one else knows, and Kode swears he's never said a word to Rain about it.

I didn't know he had a thing for her, or I wouldn't have confided in him. It actually pisses me off. Brothers don't do that shit, but then again, Rain could break apart cities.

By the time I rejoin the others, Corbin is adding chairs to a table while Maverick swaps seating cards around.

"What's going on?" I ask Tag who plops down at the table.

"They had us all split up. I'm sure Kade was trying to keep us from disrupting his big wine unveiling. Dude has been working seriously hard on this."

"O...kay... How many chairs do they think they can squeeze in on this table?" I ask through a laugh.

"Better add us," Wren Prize says from behind me, prompting me to turn around.

I was expecting Erica to be at his side, but it's Rye Clanton instead, much to my surprise. Rye has money, but you wouldn't guess it by looking at him. Barely-there stubble, a constant lazy smile, tattoos all over, and a ring in his lip are only some of the things that could confuse you. He's the poster child for bad boy, not rich boy.

"Where's Erica?" Tag asks as Wren drops to a chair beside him.

Rye sits down, leaving a vacant chair between him and Tag. Everyone knows to make room for Ash. Tag would kick someone's ass if they forgot about her.

Rye's eyes scour the landscape around him, taking in all the pretty sets of legs. His wolfish grin settles in, and I dread the night.

I'll kick his ass if he looks at Rain like that.

"She's out with some friends," Wren answers, not seeming too thrilled. I've seen him more since he got married than before he got married. It's the complete opposite of Tag. I barely see that whipped bastard anymore.

"There you are," Tag says, beaming as he looks over his shoulder.

Ash is smiling too large, acting as though she just started dating the fool. My breath catches when I look past her to see Rain. I thought I was going to collapse earlier when I spotted her.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance