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A speaker stands behind the podium as everyone settles into their seats, and the sun threatens to set. He goes on and on about the Colton name, and he mentions his love for Thomas—Kade's grandfather who has outlived the expectations set for him.

Thomas smiles as he sits in one of the chairs behind the podium. He looks pale, and it's sad to see him living on an oxygen tank, but he's alive and happy, and that's the important part.

I look behind me in time to see Kade walking briskly through the crowd, his eyes trained on the arm Rye has around Raya's back. He passes, but leaves a loud slap in his wake. I stifle a laugh as Rye uses the hand he had on Raya's chair to rub the back of his sore head.

Raya doesn't even seem to acknowledge the commotion. She sips her drink, probably already long past the point of drunk. What's going on between her and Kade?

"Thank you all for coming," Kade says w

ith a nervous breath, his hand shaking as he holds the microphone.

This wine unveiling is really freaking him out. I knew the guy was dedicated to this vineyard, but damn. He's possibly suffering from OCD where this place is concerned.

"As you know, we've had an amazing harvest lately. We played with and grew an entirely new grape. You'll see it in magazines across the nation, but tonight, you'll see those new grapes on your table. They're merlot grapes, which is why they're darker in color, but they have a whole new flavor."

I glance down at the bowls full of the grapes, and the wrapped bottle of wine that is buried in the middle. I've been curious as to what the new wine is called. It's obviously going to be a merlot, given the grapes.

Raya absently circles her finger around the rim of her wine glass, which happens to be empty now. She seems a million miles away, and the sadness in her eyes is actually depressing me.

"This is a big night for us, because I honestly don't think I've ever been so excited to announce a new wine. Our new merlot, the one you're all about to get a taste of, is called..."

He pauses, drawing out suspense as the servers come to the tables and pull out the bottles of wine. They start pouring the wine, but I notice Raya's glass gets skipped over.

"Raya's love," Kade says, grinning down at the beauty whose hand has frozen over her glass.

Raya is completely still, staring into oblivion with wide eyes as the words sink in. Then, with complete confusion, she looks up, staring blankly at Kade who is nothing more than a ball of nerves as the servers continue pouring the new wine.

"Most of you know that Raya and I have been together for a while now. She saved this vineyard. She saved me, too. My life didn't make sense until she came into it."

He starts walking toward us, carrying the wireless microphone as his eyes stay transfixed on Raya. She swallows hard as he approaches, and Rain settles in my lap, acting as though she's watching a movie instead of real life.

I bite back a groan when her sweet ass rubs me just right, and I try to pretend as though I don't feel tortured.

Kade stops and shifts nervously as he tries to smile at Raya, but he just trembles instead. Is he... Wait...

"Raya Capperton, you've been everything to me since the day your house was bulldozed."

Everyone starts laughing, because honestly, that's not something you hear everyday. Raya laughs as a tear drops from her eye, but she just lets it roll down her cheek as she stares up at him, her breathing almost nonexistent.

"I know naming a wine after you doesn't even come close to telling the world how much I love you, but it's a start. Three weeks ago, I walked into a jewelry store to look for the perfect birthday present. I found numerous things, but one thing really caught my eye. I never knew I was ready until that moment."

He pauses, and through the microphone, everyone hears his shaky breath. Gasps ring out in unison when he drops to one knee in front of her. A waiter walks up and hands him one of the newest bottles of wine. I can read the label from here: Raya's Love.

Raya's tears start coming out quicker as she grasps the situation in front of her. It's then I see a sparkling ring tied to a string that is embedded in the cork. I'll be damned. Crafty son of a bitch.

"Raya, I love you, and I think we both know I'm never going to stop being completely entranced by everything you do. Will you marry me?"

To us, only seconds pass as Raya covers her mouth, but I'm sure it feels like an eternity to Kade. Finally, through a choked sob and a very painful looking smile, she says, "Yes."

Kade jerks her to him and holds her as he pulls the cork out of the wine. A girl rushes over to cut the string away from the cork, freeing the pretty and large diamond. Kade pushes it onto Raya's finger, and the kiss that ensues could set a frozen tundra on fire.

"Wow," Rain says in complete shock, leaning against me while shaking her head. "I never saw that coming."

Cheers erupt, and I glance up to see Thomas and Paul Colton laughing, possibly even crying. I've never been envious of Kade Colton, but right now, I'd give anything to be that happy.

My arms tighten around Rain as I allow myself to imagine all the wrong things. There was a time I had considered proposing to Rain. I had it all planned out. But life has a way of kicking someone's ass and crushing their dreams.

Now she's in my arms, and it's impossible to think of anything but the way I once felt, especially since all those feelings are becoming just as real today as they were back then.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance