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As bad as I want to see her lose her top or bottoms, I also want to know what jaded secrets she has. I need her to not be so perfect.

“Well, remember the first guy I had sex with?” she asks while cringing. “He was married.”

Whoa. Even I draw the line at engaged or married chicks.

“Um, wow. So… I don’t know what to say.”

She leans over and grips her head.

“That’s the same way I felt when I found out. I was young, naïve, and too damn trusting.”

Oh thank fuck. She didn’t know he was married.

“How did he keep it from you?”

A bitter, possibly self-loathing sigh tears out of her lips.

“Like I said, I was young. He was my first real boyfriend, so it’s not like I knew any better. I was going to college and had just started my own business in my apartment that Billy helped me get. He kept telling me Dyllan was bad news, but I thought he was just being overprotective.

“After we had sex the first time, I asked him to stay the night. He said he wanted to, but couldn't because he had an early meeting. He was six years older than me, had a job outside of Sterling Shore, and he claimed to work late hours, so I didn’t question it. I went out after he left to sort of celebrate my moment of deflowering with Billy - though I didn’t tell him that.

“While we were at the bar, I saw Dyllan walking in with a woman on his arm. She was blond, pale, elegant… everything I wasn’t. I stared in shock, and then I saw the ring on his finger along with the two rings on hers. From there, I remember throwing up, Billy carrying me out, and Dyllan chasing behind us as he promised to leave his wife.

“I’ll never forget the heartbroken tears that fell from her eyes as she stared in as much shock as I was in. Before I hyperventilated to the point of passing out, I remember Billy punching Dyllan in the face and leaving him in the street like the piece of shit he was."

I honestly don’t know if I’ve ever had a conversation this deep with anyone, and from the tears in her eyes, I’m assuming this isn’t something she normally shares. It makes me want to find this guy and beat the hell out of him.

“I’m sorry,” I murmur while slipping my arm around her waist and pulling her to me.

She shrugs, never letting the first tear fall, and then she sits up, trying to look composed and unscathed by her truth.

“Name the most scared you’ve ever been in your life,” she says, changing the subject.

“When I thought I was going to be a father,” I say through a nervous chuckle, and she frowns a little, realizing she just wasted a turn.

“What about you?” I ask while brushing her hair from her face.

“I was afraid you were going to ask that,” she sighs. “Um, it actually happened a few months ago. I kept having someone call me from a blocked number, threatening me, watching me. They knew everything I was doing at all times of the day. I thought it was Evan - my last boyfriend - so Billy went over to his house and started a fight.

“Unfortunately, Billy got his ass kicked, then got arrested, and while he was there, I got another call proving it wasn’t Evan. I bailed Billy out, changed my number, and changed my apartment as well. Evan dropped the charges against Billy when he found out what was going on. He even offered to help me find out who it was.

“The calls stopped, though, and so did all the weird flower deliveries, notes, and other creepy things. I suppose whoever it was grew bored.”

“That’s a little fucked up. Are you sure it’s over?”

She shrugs, hiding her true anxiety. “I hope so. My turn again. What's the best date you’ve ever had?”

I have to think about that. I can’t remember having an actual date in the traditional sense, but I don’t want to tell her that.

I stand up, smiling, and my shorts fall to the ground to bring a devilish grin to her face.

“That’s sort of cheating, since you’re not actually showing any new skin.”

She's cute when she's irritated.

“My turn," I say while sitting back down. "What’s the most intense orgasm you’v

e ever had?” I ask, knowing she’ll shy away from the question now that I’ve learned about her a little more.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance