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"If that's making you queasy, you need to go before they get extra syrupy sweet," Tag says, wrinkling his nose in disgust for effect, as he joins us.

"You write romance for a living," I say to Rain, my brow raised as I lean back from Raya.

She rolls her eyes, seeming a little bitter for no real reason. "Haven't been able to come up with anything new in a while. Maybe it's because romance doesn't do it for me anymore."

We all stare at her, waiting for her to elaborate, but she finally sighs as she grows uncomfortable. "I should call the guys. Dale doesn't get too many nights off from his fiancée. Maverick and Corbin will go to jail if I wait too long, and Kode will come haul me out over his shoulder since he's so impatient. I'll be in town until Thursday. I'll come see you all before I leave."

We mutter confused good-byes as she heads out, and Tag shrugs as he looks back toward me. Then he narrows his eyes on Raya as I start sipping my beer.

"Care to help me win some of my money back?"

Raya grumbles under her breath as she eyes her young cousin, who is now playing with my father, my uncle, and a few others.

"He's going to clean the place out, and they're all going to think he's adorable for doing it," she mumbles, prompting me to laugh and Tag to scowl.

"I don't find it one damn bit adorable," he sulks.

"Save some of your money for my bachelor party this weekend," Wren says to Tag as he walks up, mocking him with his grin.

Tag glowers at him, but shakes his head as a wicked smile emerges.

"Don't worry. Your bachelor party will be epic. In fact, you may decide to forgo the wedding so you can start living like me nightly.”

"Doubtful," Wren says with a smile. "I happen to prefer a more steady love life. Too much excitement is exhausting."

"Boring," Tag retorts in singsong voice.

"Who knows, Tag," Raya interjects, a daring grin on her face, "you could end up married next."

"Ha!" Tag chokes out, laughing hysterically.

Even I find that ridiculous. Wren and I both join Tag in his riotous outburst.

"I would assume the two of you will be getting married next," Erica adds, skipping happily by and ignoring the sputtering of beer from my lips.

Marriage? So not ready for that.

Raya blushes and bites back a grin, and I pull her to the side as Wren and Tag go into bachelor party details, both men seeming to understand my need for privacy.

"You're not... marriage... it's..."

"Too soon. Way too soon," she snickers, making everything on me relax. "We're on the same page this time, Kade. Don't worry. I'm pretty sure we're moving at warp speed as it is."

Way more relaxed.

"I love you," I murmur gratefully, leaning down to kiss her and show my appreciation.

She smiles and giggles while returning the kiss, making it hard for me to deepen it when my stupid grin starts mimicking hers.

"Oh, hell. They're at it again," Tag groans. "That was way too quick for a marriage freak-out recovery."

We all chuckle lightly as Raya and I move back into the conversation.

"You two are coming, aren't you?" Wren asks, letting his chuckles simmer down.

"Of course," I say, tugging Raya closer. "Make sure you put us in the most private section of the house."

Raya goes crimson and her eyes get wide as she looks up to silently scold me. The guys start laughing, and I lean down for another kiss, melting away Raya's momentary anger. We withdraw with locked eyes. I really need to get her out of here.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance