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Four Months Later

"Did you leave your wallet behind?" Raya asks, chewing her bottom lip as though we're about to jump off a cliff instead of enjoy an evening with our families.

"Yes," I say, doing well to stifle my mocking grin.

"And your keys?" she asks, sounding so damn cute with all her dread.

"Yes, Raya."

She sighs out heavily while staring at my parents' house.

"We shouldn't have done this here. It's like putting a pack of wolves in the middle of a herd of sheep and expecting them not to bite."

I can't help it. My laughter pours out, and she scowls at me. "You laugh, but you remember the barbeque at my dad's. I still don't know who took your watch."

I bite back my grin, and she eyes my bare wrist, making sure I didn't wear my new watch.

"You and I both know that was them screwing with me after messing up with you. Don't worry. They're good people."

She gives me an incredulous look, and I shrug. "Well, good enough," I add with a wink.

She refused to let me drive one of my vehicles—wo

rried they would pick it clean. It's comical, really.

I get out, but Raya is quickly at my side, not even giving me a chance to open her door. She wrings her hands as we make our way to the backyard where my parents have pieced together a casual, outdoor party. Raya refused to let anyone inside the house.

It's an odd sight—her family next to mine. But it's also entertaining. Everyone is dressed comfortably instead of wrapped up neatly in a formal outfit. It's also nice to see beer bottles on serving trays instead of champagne flutes.

"You've got to be kidding me," Tag groans, drawing my attention to the poker table where Raya's seven-year-old cousin is raking in the chips from his winnings.

"You really need a better poker face," the kid chides, making me laugh.

Raya glares at her cousin, and he gives her an innocent gaze. "They promised me no gambling," she hisses, stalking toward her father who is chatting with my Aunt Melanie.

"Lovely family your girlfriend has," a familiar, feminine voice says dryly, and I turn to see the platinum blonde I haven't seen in months.

"Rain," I gasp, surprised, and she grins as she wraps me up in a hug, the top of her head barely coming to my chin. "I'm shocked."

She pulls back frowning. "Why?"

"Because you're here instead of hanging out with your Sterling boys."

Her smile returns as Raya comes back toward me, pausing to collect two beers from a tray. She resumes her walk with her head down as she curses.

"I'm meeting up with Kode and the others later. Does she always talk to herself?" Her eyes motion to my girl, who is nothing but a ball of nerves.

I’ve never understood how Rain can get along with Kode Sterling. Especially since he makes Tria’s life hell. Of course, though Rain and Tria are sisters, they don’t exactly get along, so I suppose Rain doesn’t feel so loyal to her.

Raya's eyes snap up, apparently overhearing Rain's question, and she slowly rakes her eyes over the blonde girl she doesn't know. Absently, she hands me the beer, making it look like a bit of a zombie-like motion.

I take the bottle while motioning to Rain. "Raya, this is my cousin, Rain Noles. Rain, this is Raya Capperton, my girlfriend."

Raya visibly relaxes, and I grin at the jealous beauty as I pull her in for a sweet kiss.

"I just threw up," Rain says under her breath.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance