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"Yep. Rain left just in time," Tag mutters dryly, taking a beer from a tray as it passes by.

I seriously can't believe my mother is serving beer straight from the bottle. I could get used to this.

"I love you," Raya says softly, making Tag roll his eyes as my grin returns.

Wren starts talking about his upcoming wedding as I wrap Raya up in my arms, finding it impossible to get close enough with so many people around. I glance around the yard at the two walks of life finding a way to be comfortable with each other. It makes me wish Granddad was able to see this right now. He'd be proud.

After finally coming out of the induced coma, he's responding a little better to his treatments. Currently he's confined to his bed, but he's getting better. And he has the best nurses money can buy. With Raya and me living at the vineyard, I get to keep a close eye on him.

My mother is laughing hysterically at Raya's Uncle Joey. My father has retired from the poker table and is sitting with Aunt Melanie and Ray. And everyone else is mixing and mingling well together.

Not too long ago, I would have considered something like this to be a waste of time. Now, I can't think of anything I'd rather be doing. I was dying before I met Raya, and I didn't even know it. Life was nothing but a pile of pointless games.

I'm finally living.

The End.

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Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance