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My voice was hollow as I averted his eyes. "You don't have to explain. I get it. I don't need you to baby step me through it. Thank you for saving my life… again. I swear I'll stay out of trouble from now on. Just don't make me cry right now in front of my family. I've put them through enough because of my feelings for you. Don't make me hurt them again. Not tonight. I'm begging you." I had tears in my eyes, and the stubborn things refused to be banished.

"Why would I make you cry?" He sounded so sincere, making things all the harder.

"Look, Desmond already told me about your new girlfriend over there." I pointed to the girl I still didn't know, who was standing next to a tall guy in the corner. "I get it. I didn't at first, but I do now. I don't like it, and it's killing me, but I'll find a way to deal with it. I promise. Please don't tell me what I already know. This has already been hard enough to deal with. Hearing you actually say the words... It'll only make it worse. So I'm begging you not to do this right now."

My voice cracked on the end, promising me I'd have a small breakdown if he pressed this too soon.

Tallis scowled at Desmond who shrugged innocently in response. He walked toward us with Ash on his arm.

"That sounds like Des," Tallis muttered, scrubbing his hands over his face in frustration. "He's good at saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. That explains why you took off like you did. Everything is starting to make more sense now."

My stomach slapped my throat and tried to strangle me when Tallis waved the girl over to us.

She was incredibly beautiful, and I hated her already.

I couldn't do this. Why was he doing this to me?

My head grew lighter as my oxygen supply continued to shrink. I tried to flee and retreat back to my room, but he pulled me back down, holding me captive in my newfound hell.

In an effort to calm me down, he put his arm around me and pulled me closer, but it only made things worse. Now I felt like the tragic, lovesick girl they were trying to let down gently. I couldn't have been more embarrassed or humiliated.

I almost wished that Jared was here. At least then I would've had someone on my side.

The girl walked up, a broad smile playing on her perfect little lips. Yep. I hated her worse than I initially thought.

Of course she was smiling. Magic had just given her the most incredible guy out there.

The list of reasons why I hated her just kept growing. Sure they were spawned from being the scorned woman, but—

"Aria, this is Mylen," Tallis said, interrupting my silent rant.

I flinched noticeably as he said her name. But that didn't stop him from continuing.

"She's half changer, half witch—just like me."

If I didn't love him so much, I'd hate him for putting me through this right now. Tears started making their way out of my eyes, despite my monstrous effort to keep them locked away.

Then the tall guy that had been in corner moved closer. He wrapped his arm around Tallis's... well, I'd just call her Satan's daughter.

I looked at Tallis who was smiling at me, amused. "This is Hank," Tallis said, his smile staying in place. "Mylen's soul mate."

My heart raced and stopped on the next beat. It was like a sputtering engine getting an extra strong dose of high octane.

"Oh, I thought…" I just dropped my sentence, because, well, I felt confused and stupid at the same time.

I had run off to end my life, mostly because of them, and they weren't even together? Someone should have slapped me.

"I know what you thought, thanks to Des and his big mouth," Tallis groaned.

He kicked Desmond roughly, forcing the big changing baby to jump up and down on his good leg while he held onto his bad one. Desmond whimpered and wined, possibly threatened to do something to Tallis in his sleep, but I tuned it all out.

Tallis hadn't found his soul mate. And that was all I could focus on in the moment.

I leaned into Tallis, finally finding my breaths start to come in easier. His arms wrapped around me without hesitance, and he kissed my forehead, letting me feel his incredibly large smile against my skin.

I wasn't sure why he had gone to find Mylen, nor did I care anymore.

"Mylen fou

Tags: C.M. Owens The Coveted Saga Fantasy