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Henry walked toward her, smiling teasingly, and the lights suddenly flashed on. Then she yelled to Tallis, "Which room do we get?"

Tallis grinned and walked toward them, leaving me alone in the living room. As they talked and laughed, I eyed my new bed—the living room couch.

I grabbed a pair of shorts out of my bag and threw them on quickly before anyone came back in. There was a blanket laying over the back of the couch, saving me the trouble of asking for one. A sense of warmth fell over me as I smelled its heavenly scent. It smelled just like Tallis.

I smiled as flopped down and covered up with it. I knew if I didn't just take the couch, Tallis would make me take the other bed. I wasn't going to let him sleep on the couch in his own house. Besides, I was tired enough to sleep comfortably anywhere at that moment.

Is it really necessary for birds to chirp and sing the second they see the sun? I thought, mentally forming a hit-list that included blue jays and robins.

An orangey-red glow was shining through my eyelids, which agitated me even more. Then I felt heat—desired, incredible, familiar heat. Something softer than the couch was under me, and protective arms were wrapped around me, holding me close to a body that I had missed so much.

I opened my eyes to see Tallis still asleep, facing me, unaware of the sun that was shining through the window. The soft mattress under me still didn't register. None of this made sense.

I was in the bedroom instead of on the couch. I was tucked safely in his arms instead of being in the living room all alone. The wonderful scent was coming from him instead of the blanket I had clung to when I drifted off.

Terrible excitement washed over me, torturing me and invigorating me to my core. He shifted slightly before his eyes flittered open and met my gaze. He smiled weakly, and in a second he was out of bed, looking regretful.

I climbed out of the bed feeling confused. I knew I didn't climb into bed with him, unless I had been sleep walking. Oh please don't let me have been sleep walking. This is bad enough.

I went to the kitchen where Tallis had already started preparing coffee. Slowly, I approached as he pulled a shirt on, hiding the body I was possibly obsessed with.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked.

"No. I just didn't mean to sleep so late." He wouldn't look at me when he answered.

I glanced over at the clock. "So late? It's only eight, and we stayed up pretty late."

Amelia and Henry walked through, interrupting our awkward moment.

"What's for breakfast?"

Amelia giggled when Henry wrapped his arms around her and nipped at her neck. But her eyes changed as she felt my emotions, and her lips tightened to a thin line before she forced a smile for me.

Tallis turned around, a pained expression marring his face. But then he forced a smile that looked tighter than Amelia's.

"Henry and I are going to go check the perimeter and get a workout, while the two of you figure out breakfast."

Tallis winked at us and Henry chuckled, kissing Amelia's cheek once more.

They went to the rooms and came out in gym shorts that draped just passed their knees and hung just barely below their hip bones. Both of them were shirtless and immortally perfect with defined ripples and sleek muscles.

Amelia and I were both staring helplessly. Honestly, what red-blooded girl wouldn't be?

Henry and Tallis both snickered while shaking their heads as they walked out the door.

"What were they laughing at?" Amelia asked, genuinely clueless.

"Us… staring… drooling."

I kept my best fake smile in place, but it was sort of pointless, considering Amelia felt my every emotion. I understood it. I hated it, but I understood why he was distancing himself.

He had already accepted what I couldn't—we weren't meant to be,

Tears slowly filled up in my eyes, but I made my way to the bathroom to shower them away. They could fall in secrecy under the shower and no one would ever see them. I wasn't ready to let go, even if holding on kept me imprisoned with my continuously breaking heart.

After climbing out of the shower and pulling on my underwear, I smelled the promise of something wonderful awaiting me—coffee. The guys were going to be outside for a while, so I didn't see any harm in grabbing some coffee in my underwear, and I was a mindless bloodhound on the trail. I really needed coffee. It was a late night, and the stupid birds and annoying sun woke me up too early.

I walked into the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee, smiling happily as the stronger scent welcomed me.

Tags: C.M. Owens The Coveted Saga Fantasy