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I looked over to Tallis, as if he was always the first one I needed to see while I was under attack. He seemed like he wanted to say something, but before he could, a new voice rang out.

"Stupid witches. She's not a slut. She's probably a virgin, if I had to guess. Three hot guys chasing after her would insinuate that she's hard to get—not easy. You girls must be real easy, because I don't see the first guy chasing after you." Someone's defending me?

Several laughs mocked the beaming red and scowling faces at Elaina's table.

I looked around to see the face of my unknown defender. It was a girl about my height, with bouncy, short brown hair. She smiled at me as the laughter and mockery grew within the cafeteria, making Elaina and her pack leave lunch early.

She stuck her hand out to introduce herself. "Amelia Sparks."

Her perky little voice was sweet and refreshing.

I happily shook the hand of my savior. "I'm Aria Weislen."

"Oh, I know who you are. You're a very popular girl around here. I thought maybe I could hang out with you and catch some of your castoffs."

She laughed jokingly as she gave me a playful nudge.


not like it seems. I promise." I bowed my head awkwardly, somewhat embarrassed, and she sat down beside me before continuing.

"Well, judging by your body language, McKee is just in love with you, but you don't reciprocate those feelings. You thought he was cute for a second but no real emotional attachment. The new guy, Henry, is a good friend that kissed you to shut up the rat pack earlier. And that guy over there"—she turned to point to Tallis very obviously—"is the one you really love. He did something he feels guilty about though, so now the two of you are on the outs."

My mouth fell open. She thought she was being quiet, but there was no doubt that every immortal in here heard every word she said.

Then she turned back to face me, beaming with pride. "How'd I do?"

I was completely stunned by her accuracy, and a little sickened by how obvious everything apparently was. "Pretty good, actually. How'd you know all that?"

She shrugged and took a bite of her food, acting as though she hadn't just undressed my drama and left bare. "It's a gift. I have a knack for these things. Always have."

I then realized what was going on, and I sighed.

"Oh. So are you a bodyguard, or a light being, or a changer, or something?" It made sense she would be supernatural. Iris probably sent her after the whole ordeal last night.

"A what?" she asked, looking at me as though I had lost my mind. I was questioning my sanity these days as it was. "I don't know what crazy code you're spouting off, but I do play tennis."

I laughed to myself, breathing in relief and exasperation. A mortal. Just a mortal. Wow. I felt like an idiot. I shook my head for my misconception and spoke with a better versed mortal question.

"Are you new?"

"Sort of. I came here at the beginning of last semester, but I've been staying under the radar. I kind of just hang back and watch people. I know it sounds creepy, but it's not like I'm outside with binoculars or anything. It's always been a therapeutic hobby for me."

I laughed—a real, heartfelt, genuine laugh. It felt good. Henry kept his eyes concentrated on his tray, squirming uncomfortably for some reason. Taryn seemed to be trying to calm McKee down. His food was being thoroughly chewed between his grinding teeth. I'm sure he wasn't overly fond of Amelia's earlier assessment.

Tallis looked at me for a moment—like he was hurting. I couldn't let myself care, though. He was just upset with me for not telling him about all the drama. He didn't care about me, and I couldn't deal with that reality right now.

School was finally over, so Henry and I headed to the car. I could see Tallis propped up against the school watching us. McKee was on the other side watching us. And everyone was watching them watch us.

I felt like I was on some teenage reality show—minus the cameras. I pretended not to notice them as we got in the car. I could only muster a brittle smile for Henry before I drove us away from the madhouse people assumed was a learning facility.

"Thanks for earlier. I caused a scene this morning with Tallis, and I shouldn't have. I knew there would be repercussions," I murmured at last, making sure we were far away from the prying ears of the immortals we left behind.

"No big deal. I consider you family now. We're all in this together—even the crazy mortal stuff," he teased.

"Yeah, because the mortal part is the crazy part," I mumbled sarcastically.

A different look spread across his face. Anger? Fear? I wasn't sure, but I knew whatever was on his mind was suddenly serious.

Tags: C.M. Owens The Coveted Saga Fantasy