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A reverent sigh fell through my lips as I tried to think of a way to respond to that. Henry didn't know Tallis.

"He doesn't care about me. He just hates not knowing everything. He's used to being included."

I pulled out another book as I noticed a group of girls talking. One of them, of course, was Elaina. For some reason she had taken it upon herself to become my nemesis—the ultimate mean girl. Apparently that wasn't too cliché for her. Despite all of the truly dangerous things I had encountered lately, she still seemed vicious to me.

Her favorite thing to do? Discuss and ridicule me very loudly with her hyenas.

"She's so tacky. Tallis breaks up with her before first class and now she's throwing herself at the first hot guy that comes her way," Elaina scoffed.

"She was all crying and stuff before first period, and now she's all over the new guy. Tallis must have finally come to his senses, and now she's sinking her teeth into the first guy she finds," one of her minions callously added.

"I don't see what's so special about her. She's just plain and not even all that pretty."

I looked up to see Tallis diagonally across the hall from me. I heard them loud and clear, so I knew his sensitive hearing did, too. He grimaced as he started heading toward us.

I knew Henry had to have heard them as well. That became evident when he caused a scene I wasn't quite prepared for. He winked at me discreetly before speaking very loudly, and threw subtlety out the window.

"Tonight is going to be perfect. I promise I won't let you down."

My head jerked to him, confused by his comment.

"What?" I asked, still trying to understand.

He grabbed me gently and kissed me very softly on the lips in front of everyone in the hallway. Gasps rang out in unison as the entire student body stopped to gawk. I would have gasped, too, but I was too busy choking on the lack of oxygen that had been startled out of me.

Henry pulled back just in time to let me see Tallis turning back around and stalking away, anger driving his stride. Henry looked around, seeming pleased with himself. Everyone was quiet.

He leaned over and whispered, "You have to work on your improvisation."

My eyes were still wide from the unexpected kiss.

"Yeah... I got nothing. I... well, um... thanks?"

Dread and regret knotted up inside me, making me feel queasy for so many reasons. I had to get away from him if he was li—

"Don't worry. You haven't given me any link. Your essence is strong, so I would have felt it if you had. I just saw you struggling and that was all I could think to do. It seemed to do the trick, though," he said proudly, silencing in my inner reason for panic.

He leaned back on the lockers again, crossing his arms over his chest while smiling triumphantly, possibly looking a little smug. It was enough to make me smile.

I shut my locker, still a little shaken. At least I didn't feel like I was burning alive.

"Oh, by the way," Henry said while keeping his smile, "he does care. I saw it when I kissed you. He couldn't get out of here quick enough. Truth can't hide in the eyes. He's in pain. Just like you."

My breath came and left with those words. I wasn't sure what hurt more—knowing Tallis was suffering like me or thinking I was suffering alone. I hated being a teenager all of the sudden. Too much angst and stupid drama.

Lunch rolled around, and now everyone was looking and whispering. The initial shock Henry had delivered was wearing off, and repercussions were sure to follow.

Tallis was with a couple of guys and Everett—who was staring at me. Tallis turned and smiled weakly at me, not hiding how forced the expression was.

I just turned away. I couldn't play his game of don't show or tell right now.

The first bit of backlash from the hallway kiss emerged in that instant, making my day that much more unbearable.

“What a slut."

"Yeah, she totally made out with some random guy in the hallway earlier. I mean... have some self respect."

"Definitely a slut." Elaina. Again.

Tags: C.M. Owens The Coveted Saga Fantasy