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McKee and Taryn were already there. Henry walked me into the school hallway, guiding me with his hand at my back. But my stomach sunk when I saw Tallis approaching, looking furious. I turned to Henry as Tallis grew nearer.

"Hey, can you give me a minute? Taryn will show you where your locker is."

Henry nodded as he noticed Tallis rapidly closing the distance between us, barely refraining from use immortal speed. Henry walked away warily as they made eye contact, holding each other's gaze as each measured the other.

Tallis broke the eye contact between himself and Henry as he approached me. His eyes quickly shifted back to meet mine, and the glare made me shiver.

What had I done now? I just got here.

"Why didn't you call me? Are you okay? I just found out this morning before I left."

Whoa. What?

How dare he sound so offended for being left out of the loop.

"I'm fine. He never planned on hurting me… this time—"

"This time?" he asked, sounding furious while cutting me off before I could finish. "He threatened to come back? Why didn't you call me? I could've been there in no time. You certainly made sure to call the rest of my family!"

There was no way he was serious. Couldn't be. Why didn't I call? Was that rhetorical?

I grabbed his arm and forcefully pulled him to a corner where no one could overhear the tirade I was itching to release.

"Really? You wonder why I didn't call? That's your big concern? I've called you incessantly—every day since you ran away from me—and you haven't answered one call. I have begged you to talk to me at school, but nothing. I have left you countless messages and texts. I have pleaded with you to call me back or come see me, but I hear nothing in return. I have cried myself to sleep

too many nights, while you pretend that nothing happened. You think you're so superior to me, but you're really not. You're over a century old, but you've been acting like a typical teenage jerk to me. A real class act, I have to say.

"I walked into my room—that you weren't in—to find a man sitting on my bed. A man who threatens me, and then gives me information to help us at the same time. A man who got so close to me that he kissed my head. I could feel the heat of his breath; that's how close he was.

"I feared for my life for over ten minutes, knowing that no one was around to save me because of my stupid, mortal feelings. I don't see how you have any right to act like you care now!"

I hated crying, and lately, that was all I seemed to ever do. People were noticing the heavy drops running down my cheeks, and I was growing increasingly aware of how pathetic I looked.

His eyes softened, and his guilt replaced his fury. I didn't want his guilt any more than I wanted his pity. He stepped closer as he changed his tone, sounding calmer and apologetic.

"Aria, I'm sorry. I didn't meant to—"

I stopped him from getting any closer by putting my hand on his chest, which made his words halt as he stared at the connection. My hand began to burn feverishly with that slight touch. It had been so long since I'd touched him. But there was no place for useless desire when all it caused was pain. Spite and anger rolled around and quickly festered into one pissed girl—me.

"I know. Believe me, I know. You're linked. You don't really feel that way about me because it's not real. And blah, blah, blah. No need to repeat yourself. I have to get to class," I murmured dryly, ignoring the small wince he gave.

I walked by him, shouldering him out of the way. His hard body relented or I would have probably been thrown back on my behind. That would have sucked.

I could feel him watching me as I tried to disappear into the crowd, but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of turning around. I was done falling apart. I was done crying. I was simply done.

Henry walked out of English class with me while he played the part of my protector. Most everyone was staring—most of them whispering as well. Yet again, a very attractive guy was by my side.

My punishment? Icy glares, instant rumors, and harsh lies.

As Henry ignored the scene and walked me to the lockers, he took a deep breath. That breath told so much and forewarned me of what we were about to discuss. Crap.

"So, I take it that was Tallis this morning?"

Just act cool and casual. Don't break.

"Yeah. He was a little upset because he didn't know about my surprise visitor," I replied dryly.

His lips pursed before he said, "Oh. He's trying to distance himself from hurting you, but he can't make himself not care about you."

Tags: C.M. Owens The Coveted Saga Fantasy