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Without me giving voice to the words, he seems to understand the questions swirling through my eyes. Instead of addressing them, he asks, “Do you think we could go somewhere and talk?”


“If now isn’t a good time, maybe tomorrow?” He jerks his hand toward the group of girls I arrived with who are showing no sign of slowing down. More shots have been ordered and are currently being passed around. “I know you’re out with friends. It’s just,” there’s a pause, “I’d really like to talk to you.”

I shift from one foot to the other and cut right to the chase. “Aren’t you dating someone?”

“It didn’t work out.” With a jerk of his shoulders, he shakes his head. “It would seem like I’m not completely over my ex.”



My eyes widen at the curveball he’s just thrown me. Ethan and I were together for about six months, and I really liked him. There was a time when the sight of him sent my pulse skyrocketing. That’s no longer the case. As painful as it is to admit—even silently to myself—there’s only one guy capable of producing that kind of reaction within me, and it happens to be the one I’m fake dating.

The one I should most definitely not have feelings for.

Before I have a chance to collect my scattered thoughts and come up with a response, Ethan takes hold of my hand. “I know our relationship wasn’t perfect, but it could be different this time. I still lo—”

“Hey, babe.” The connection is broken between us when a thickly corded arm snakes around my waist and hauls me close. Before his masculine scent has a chance to wrap around me and tease my senses, I already know who’s taken hold of me. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

The awareness exploding inside me like a firework only reinforces the fact that whatever I once felt for the baseball player now pales in comparison to the feelings I’ve developed for Brayden. It takes effort to bite back the disheartened groan attempting to escape from my lips.

How did I manage to fall so hard for him when I was trying my damnedest not to?

Ethan glares at Brayden before his gaze cuts to mine. “Are you two still together?”

I open my mouth to respond, but Brayden beats me to the punch.

“Yup,” he says, “we are.” His arm tightens around my waist, pressing me closer as if he’s afraid I might try to escape.

Honestly, I’m not sure how I was going to tackle the barked-out question. The truth of the matter is that Brayden and I aren’t really together. We’re playing make believe. It’s only during the last fifteen minutes that I’ve come to realize how disastrous an idea this has turned out to be. We need to end this charade before someone gets hurt.

Someone like me.

Instead of taking Brayden’s word for it, Ethan’s gaze burns into mine. It’s like he’s waiting for me to contradict him.

Even though it would probably be best for everyone if I did, I find myself agreeing with Brayden. “Yes, we’ve been seeing each other for the past couple of weeks.”

Ethan’s shoulders slump before he nods. “Then I guess there isn’t much of a reason for us to talk, is there?”

I release a steady breath and shake my head. “Probably not.”

Even if Brayden weren’t involved in the picture, I still wouldn’t get back together with Ethan. We were way too volatile. We’re much better off as friends.

“All right. I guess I’ll see you around, Syd.” His gaze hardens as it flickers to Brayden, whose muscles are coiled tight. “Let me know if anything changes.”

A low growl emanates from deep within his chest. When he steps forward, I grab his arm to hold him back. “Brayden!”

Ethan melts into the crowd before anything further can happen, which is probably for the best.

When he glances at me, I’m shocked by the possessiveness that has flared to life in his eyes. I don’t understand why he’s acting like this. It’s not like we’re actually together. There’s no reason for him to be jealous or angry.

“We need to talk,” he bites out in a surprisingly gruff tone. If I’d thought he would drop the pretense now that Ethan has disappeared, it doesn’t happen.

Considering how he almost went off the rails, that’s probably a good idea. The sooner we straighten out this mess, the better off we’ll be.

“Yeah, we do.” The response is barely out of my mouth before his fingers lock around my wrist and he’s dragging me through the crowded nightclub. I stumble on my heels in an attempt to keep pace with him.

I’ve never seen Brayden behave like this before. He’s usually so laid back.

We make our way through the main part of the club before turning down a long corridor that is less crowded. A heartbeat later, he’s shoving through an exit into the darkened alley. Cool night air slaps at my heated cheeks. Before I have a chance to catch my breath, Brayden wheels around, forcing me up against the rough brick of the building. I find myself caged in by his muscular body. His forearms rest on either side of my head as I stare in wide-eyed surprise.

Tags: Jennifer Sucevic Romance