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Other than staying out of my way, there’s nothing I need Brayden’s assistance with.

Just as I’m about to demand that he remove his hands or risk losing digits, he asks, “Were you able to find a model for your art project?”

My brows shoot up into my hairline.

How the hell did he—

Oh. Right. Lunch. He overheard me on the phone. More like he was listening intently.

“Not yet, but I’ve got plenty of feelers out,” I say airily as if I’m not concerned in the slightest. “I’m just waiting for the responses to roll in.” The truth of the matter is that I’m waiting on one more call. The fact that Leo hasn’t bothered to get back to me isn’t a good sign. For obvious reasons, I won’t be sharing that information with Brayden.

He drags me closer. “I’ll model for you.”

“You?” I scoff. My belly hollows out at the thought of seeing him naked. “Model?” I shake my head, unwilling to entertain the idea.

“Sure, why not?”

I twist out of his arms and break his hold before blowing out a long breath. “Have you forgotten that I need someone who’s willing to sit for me in the nude?” I allow that bit of information to sink in before adding, “The best pieces from the portfolio will be displayed at the art gallery on campus at the end of the year.”

Indecision flickers over his expression before he straightens to his full height. “Is that supposed to be a deterrent? FYI, there’s no shame in my game.”

I’m sure there’s not, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he wants hundreds of people to see naked sketches of him. That’s one of the reasons the fine art students use professional models.

Who don’t attend Western University.

And certainly aren’t high-profile football players looking to turn pro.

Unconsciously, my gaze drifts over the length of him, starting with his handsome face. Brayden has high, chiseled cheekbones and thick eyelashes. His mouth is full and his chin strong. As if that wasn’t the most arresting part of him, there’s his muscular body. Broad shoulders, a wide chest and tapered waist. My hunch is that there’s not an ounce of fat on him.

Fine. Speaking strictly from an artistic perspective, the guy would be an absolute pleasure to draw.

No doubt about it.


That would mean spending more time alone with him. When he tugs me close enough to feel the heat of his body, I snap out of the dangerous thoughts attempting to take root inside my brain.

“You’re contemplating it,” he says, eyes sharpening on me.

“No,” I lie, “I’m not.”

With a tilt of his head, he squints as if he’s able to pick through my innermost thoughts. It’s a disconcerting sensation. “Yeah, you are. Just remember that this situation can be beneficial for both of us.”

I’m startled to realize that he’s right—I’m actually giving serious consideration to his proposal. Bottom line, I need a model. My project is due in less than a month. Not only am I running out of time, I’m running out of options. Brayden needs someone to be his girlfriend.

His fake girlfriend.

The solution neatly solves both of our issues.

“What’s the problem?” he asks. “Not sure I’ll measure up in that department? Need a little proof that you’ll have more than enough to draw? Maybe a preview will tip the scales in my favor.” His fingers settle on his waistband.

I throw up a hand and shake my head. “No, that’s not necessary.”

There’s no way I can tell Brayden that I don’t want to spend time with him because deep down, I’m attracted to him. I don’t even want this guy to know that I like him as a human being, much less find him good looking. It would only feed his already massive ego, and that’s the last thing I want to do. There are already enough females on campus fangirling over him. It’ll be over my dead body that I’ll be thrown in with that lot.

What I need to do is decline his offer. If I agree to this, it won’t end well. I’ll end up strangling him or—

“What’s it going to be?” he asks, voice turning gravelly.

Tell him no.

Do it now.

Tell him—

“Okay.” The word pops out of my mouth before I can rein it back in. “I’ll do it.”

A wide grin breaks out across Brayden’s face. Before I can second guess the spontaneous decision, he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me against the hard lines of his body before swinging me around in a tight circle.

“But only for a couple of weeks!” I wheeze as he forces all of the air from my lungs. “That’s it.”

“Not a problem. It’ll be more than enough time for Kira to see that I’m involved with someone else and back off.”

For his sake, I hope he’s right. I refuse to get sucked into anything more long term.

Tags: Jennifer Sucevic Romance