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Uncomfortable with where the conversation was going, she lifted the drink to her mouth and took a long sip.

When Heidi continued to stare at her as if she was dim, Goldie shrugged with more than a hint of irritation. ‘I really don’t know what you’re talking about. And I don’t think you have anything to worry know...if you want things?’

This time the laughter was pure white-hot bitterness. ‘Second rule of dating Gael Aguilar. There is no second chance. Once he’s done with you, you’re finished for good.’

She took another drink, then hiccupped. Then grimaced as if she was in actual pain.

Goldie wanted to tell her to stop. That she really didn’t need to know any more unsavoury details about the man who’d come to her aid—the man who seemed taken enough by a fraction of the ten-minute performance he’d seen today to pursue her.

But Heidi was on a roll.

Goldie sipped at her drink and racked her brain for a convenient excuse even while she kept one eye on the living room doorway. Now she was sure her mother was safely asleep there was no need for her to rush back home, but she still needed to come up with a way to get home that wouldn’t mean tapping into the emergency money she kept in her closet at home. She’d already used too much of it earlier this month, when her mother had been too depressed to go to work.

With each minute that passed Goldie saw her choices dwindling. It was too late to make her way back to Othello to ask to stay with one of her friends there. Just as with each passing minute she was learning way too much about Gael Aguilar. His preference in women—sleek, tall blondes. How many homes he owned—eight at Heidi’s last count. His love of fast cars—immeasurable. His favourite food—authentic Spanish-made paella. His bedroom skills—!

‘I think I’m going to head back in now,’ Goldie interrupted, before she could be made privy to gossip she didn’t want to hear. ‘Will you be all right?’

Heidi waved her empty glass at her. ‘Of course! Go get my... I mean your man. Enjoy your six weeks!’

The statement ended with another hiccup that sounded uncomfortably close to tears.

Her heart went out to the woman. She started to reach out, wondering why her arm felt so heavy. ‘Heidi—’

‘Is everything okay here?’ Gael’s deep voice enquired.

They were both startled, and both swayed on their feet as they turned to face the source of their conversation. Gael reached out for her arm and Goldie gasped with surprise at the dizziness that assailed her.

But even in her confounding state she saw how he completely ignored Heidi.

‘I...yes. I’m fine—’

‘I thought you said you didn’t drink?’ came the sharp, cold query.

Goldie frowned. Or at least

she attempted to. Her face suddenly felt funny. ‘I don’t. This is fruit punch.’

He calmly took his phone from her, then her glass, eyeing her with deep censure. ‘It is fruit punch. Laced with rum and vodka.’

‘Wh-what?’ She turned her head with growing difficulty, met Heidi’s unrepentant gaze. ‘But you said it was...’

Too late, she realised what had happened.

Gael turned to his ex. ‘Are you responsible for this, Heidi?’ he gritted, his voice filled with black ice.

‘Oh, so you do remember my name,’ Heidi retorted waspishly.

‘Santo cielo! Word of advice: playing stupid games like this with me is guaranteed to put you even lower in my regard. Grow up!’

Tears welled in her eyes. ‘Damn it, Gael. Do you have to be so cruel?’

‘Only when you pull stunts like this. I suggest you find a quiet place and get yourself together. Goldie—we’re leaving.’

Goldie, beyond stunned at how easily and gullibly she’d fallen into such a dangerous situation, could only nod. She couldn’t even summon pity or anger for the other woman as Gael led her past the avidly gossiping guests, a protesting Pietro, and back into the lift.

The buzzing in her ears and the thumping of her heart prevented her from speaking as she walked, plastered to Gael’s side, to the limo. He helped her in, secured her seat belt as her mind reeled.

Tags: Maya Blake Rival Brothers Billionaire Romance