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The knock on his door made him glance at his clock again. Fifteen more minutes. “Come in.”

“Professor Kelley?”

His blood heated and his heart started to race. “Miss Finn.”

She smiled and ducked her head coyly, her glorious hair swooping down to cast half her face in shadow. She was playing with him. God, she made him smile. “Can I be your last appointment for the day?”

“I always have time for my students.” He stood, desperate to kiss her, but the door was open and the building was still buzzing with activity. “Close the door and sit down.”

She closed and locked it, and Declan could only be thankful that his office was a cramped cubicle with no windows but the one behind him, covered with a closed blind. “Jen.”

“Yes, Professor?”

“Come here.”

She set down her book bag and walked toward his desk. She wasn’t wearing white today. She had on a fuzzy purple sweater and a black, knee-length skirt with matching thigh-high stockings. She was covered head to toe, but it didn’t seem to make a difference to his erection.

Jen walked around his desk and slid past him until she was sitting on his desk. “I wanted to see you before I left.”

“I’m glad, Jen.”

“Where’s Trick? He didn’t call at lunch.”

“I wouldn’t worry. You know that case he’s been working on seems to be heating up. I’m starting to think it’s not the usual cheating spouse.”

She nodded, her smile dimming. “I don’t think so either. But I wanted to thank you both for being so understanding this week.”

“Is she doing better?”

“Tasha’s meds are helping a lot. Her swelling is down, and she’s already complaining about the bed rest order.”

“I have a feeling your brother can’t be swayed.”

Jen smiled. “Not when it’s about her health, no.”

Maybe she didn’t want more than this. Just to touch base. He could do that. Declan sat down in his chair and steeled himself to resist her, caressing her concealed calves and counting backward from one hundred. “We’ll do whatever we need to do to help, you know that.”

“I do.” She paused. “I’ve missed you.”

“I’m right here. Always.”

She placed her low-heeled shoes on either side of his thighs and started tugging up her skirt until it was bunched around the tops of her thighs.

“I mean I’ve really missed you, Professor. Let me prove how much.”

Declan dropped his gaze and let out a low, agonized breath. “Jesus, Jen.”

“They came with a matching bra.”

“We’re in my office during office hours.”

“You’re right.” She sighed in disappointment and started to close her knees slowly. “I guess we can do this another time.”

“No.” His hands stopped her and pushed her legs farther apart. “It’s too late for that now, Miss Finn.”

She was wearing white lace underwear.

“Take off your sweater,” he ordered, his desire drowning out his common sense.

Jen obeyed and he felt a growl growing in his chest when he saw her breasts encased in lace. “You’re going to have to stay quiet. I know how loud you can get.”

Her light blue eyes were bright with need and she swallowed. “I’ll be quiet.”

“You won’t.” He unzipped her skirt and pushed it up until she could pull it over her head, leaving her on his desk in nothing but her heels, thigh-highs and delicate white lace. “You’ll want to scream, need to, because you’re a bad girl, Miss Finn. And you want to be punished.”

“You like me bad, Professor.”

“I love it.” He gripped her thighs and lowered his head between them, kissing and tonguing her through the lace, over it. Teasing her until she squirmed and scattered his papers.

“Declan, please.”

He blew on her clit. “These are still office hours, Miss Finn. Do you need to be spanked until you remember?”

“Yes,” she moaned. “I mean no, Professor. Oh God, you know what I want. It’s been so long.”

Two days. He pushed back his chair and stood, hands tangled in the lace and smiling when it tore apart easily in his fingers. He kissed her and she moaned at her taste on his tongue. He drank in the sound, loving that she came to see him. Loving her.

“Right here?” he rasped, his hands caressing her through the shredded lace. “On this desk?”

“Please, Declan.”

He quickly undid his pants and shuddered when he gripped his cock. “Shit,” he growled. “I don’t have a damn condom.”

Since they’d been together, he’d started stocking up. He had them in the car. He had them in every room of his house. He didn’t have them in his campus office and he’d used the two that had been in his wallet on Trick.

“It’s safe. I’m… You know it’s safe.”

“Wrap your legs around me.” He swore and guided his erection inside her hot, tight pussy. “Just for a minute. Fuck. Fuck, Jen.” He looked up at the ceiling and bared his teeth, already close at the feel of her around him with nothing between them.

Tags: R.G. Alexander The Finn Factor Erotic