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Jen couldn’t imagine keeping her family away. “That’s sad.”

“Yes, it is.”

“I think my Uncle Sol is like that, even though two of his sons are openly gay. But then, he doesn’t seem to like anything and we rarely see him, so everyone ignores it.”

He started massaging her again. “Anyone else? I heard you played with a married couple. A man and woman.”

She frowned. “Trick really did tell you everything.” Did he mention the arrest?

“Of course he did. Did you enjoy it?”

The way he purred that question made her forget about everything but where they were going. She lifted her hips into his hand, needing more pressure. “I didn’t like her, particularly after she started talking trash and pressed charges for one little punch. So I’m not sure I can count that as a same-sex experience.”

He laughed. “Probably not.”

“There is this beautiful girl from Jamaica in two of my classes. I could imagine kissing her.”

“And now so can I.”

This was nice. Strange, but nice. Still, the way he was touching her made her desperate to get to his house and join Trick. She rocked against his hand, her need rising as she prayed they didn’t drive past a curious trucker. “Are we there yet?”

“You’re almost there just thinking about it, aren’t you, Miss Finn?”

“Kissing a girl?” she joked weakly.

“Trick and I kissing you.”

God, he was sexy. “Now I am.”

He pressed two fingers against her clit and started to rub in a circular motion.

“Yes, like that,” she groaned, arching her back.

She didn’t realize he’d stopped the car until he leaned over her again, the two fingers of his left hand filling her now as he sucked a nipple hard against the roof of his mouth.

“More,” she whimpered, tossing her head against the seat. “Declan!”

He groaned above her breast. “Come and I’ll give you more right now. Come on my fingers like the bad girl you are.”

Small explosions traveled through her sex and up her spine. She heard him growling as he felt her climax soak his hand and his teeth dug into her breast again.

The passenger door opened abruptly. “Did someone say more?”

“Trick,” Jen gasped breathlessly, heat flooding her face as one more fierce contraction burst through her.

He laughed and studied the scene with a wicked expression. “What did you do to him, sweet Jen?”

“You started it.”

Declan lifted his mouth and looked up at Trick with a feral smile. “Whoever’s to blame, I’ll be finishing you both tonight. As many times as I want. However I want.”

Jen saw Trick shiver. “Then we’d better get started.”

Chapter Six

Declan was sporting the mother of all erections as he rounded the back of his car.

“You got here fast,” he said as he handed Trick his keys and then freed Jennifer from the seat so he could take her into his arms. “I thought you had to work today?”

Trick had a shit-eating grin on his face as he studied the red marks on her naked body and the shirt that was still twisted around her wrists. “The advantages of being my own boss,” he said, not taking his eyes off her. “I put off the job so I could patch that hole in my bathroom wall before more animals made it their home for the winter. Now I’m free in time to see this.”

Declan shook his head. “I don’t know why you won’t sell your brother’s house and get a nice apartment. You could stay here until then. It wouldn’t be long. The market is good and that’s why he signed it over to you in the first place.”

“I don’t take things that aren’t mine.” He winked at Declan. “I’m rehabilitated.”

“Open the door. With the key, please.”


Jennifer started to giggle and he looked down at her. “What’s so funny?”

Her blue eyes were laughing at him. “I don’t know. I just never imagined my first ménage would start with a conversation about real estate over my naked body.”

Declan tightened his grip, forcing himself not to look below her neck. Not to think about the skin he was touching. “I’m trying to get you inside so I don’t fuck your naked body into the pavement and give my respectable neighbors a show.”

“Oh.” Jen stopped laughing abruptly and turned away from his penetrating gaze.

“His respectable neighbors couldn’t see you unless they had a helicopter, Jen. Don’t let him scare you.”

Declan felt her relieved breath against his chest. “This house is huge. Are you sure we’re in the right place?”

Trick opened the door and smiled at her as Declan carried her over the threshold. “You didn’t know our professor was loaded? Your roommate’s family has nothing on this guy. The first time I got my foot in the door, I was casing the place. I could have retired on my own desert island with a bag or two of his knickknacks. Of course, fifteen minutes later I decided I’d rather steal a kiss.”

Tags: R.G. Alexander The Finn Factor Erotic