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She held his head for balance as he placed one of her legs over his shoulder. He spread her lips wide, seeing her arousal glisten in the dark. It beckoned him to come closer. To drown in her taste. All he had to do was lean forward and bury his tongue inside her until she came.

He shouldn’t.

He couldn’t. Not here.



Her hands tightened in his hair. “You can kiss me, if you’d like. Don’t you want a taste?”

He huffed out a ragged laugh against her clit, tilting his head back to look in her eyes. “You are a bad girl aren’t you? Trying to make me keep you after class?”

“Only if it’s for a spanking.” Her laugh was breathless.

Declan growled. “It might be. Now let’s see if the bad girl knows not to scream and let her classmates know what the teacher is doing between her legs.” Before she could respond, he buried his face in her bare flesh. “Mmm,” he hummed against her clit. He could hear her gasp in response, and he swore he felt her blood race a little faster in the thigh pressed against his cheek.

Just one taste. That’s all he could have. All he would take.

He breathed her in and he was lost. She smelled like heaven. His tongue traced her petal-soft outer folds and her calf pulled him closer. She liked that.

Just one taste. Remember where you are. Who you are.

His lips closed over her clit, sucking tenderly, learning her. She shook against him, but didn’t push him away. He sucked harder and she pressed closer. Jennifer liked a firm touch. A little rough. Like Trick. He could give her that.

She doesn’t know what she’s asking for. She barely knows you.

He traced the soaking opening of her pussy before stiffening his tongue and thrusting it deep inside her, moaning a little at the muscles that clenched around his him.

So good. Tight, wet pussy that tastes like honey. More. I need more.

“Declan,” she whispered urgently, tugging on his hair. “Oh God.”

He heard the growls coming from his chest, knew he was pushing her, almost lifting her off the ground as he pressed deeper, his tongue greedy and desperate as it fucked her.

Yes. Give me more. Let me show you how I want you.

“Oh. Oh shit,” she groaned, then he one of her hands left his head to cover her mouth, muffling her moans as she came in his mouth. He could taste it, feel it happening. Feel her body shake. Still he couldn’t stop.

Again. I need more. Every fucking drop of honey.

He wanted to tie her to his bed until his hunger was sated. He wanted to fuck her. He wanted to watch Trick take her before he had them both. He wanted to do things to her body that might get them all arrested.

Declan lowered her leg to his waist as he rose and stood in front of her with his erection hard against her thigh, and she shuddered as he kissed her with her taste in his mouth. He already wanted more.

“You should be stopping me,” he said against her lips. “This is what I meant about wanting too much.”

“I’m not complaining,” she gasped, taking his lower lip between her teeth long enough to make him moan. “Neither was Trick.”

“He sent you to me all in white with your pretty red hair in braids because he knows my weaknesses. I’m sure he knows yours too. But for him when it’s over…. You and I have other concerns. We need to keep our heads and think this through.”

I would take this too seriously. I would need to own you both. He knows that better than anyone.

She nodded, still trying to catch her breath. “I am keeping my head. He told me to wear lace underwear after I agreed to the butt plug, but I drew the line.”

Declan felt his blood rushing in his ears. She was wearing a butt plug? Now? His hands immediately slid under her skirt and went to the seam of her ass. “You have lace underwear?”

She gasped when he spread her cheeks and fingered the plug. “Oh God. Wha—what is it with you two and lace?”

He lined his cock up with her sex and slid it through her arousal, torturing himself with what he couldn’t have. Not here. Not now. “So good.”

Not ever, if you were a better, stronger man.

“Lace?” she prompted, breathless.

“All true Irish boys have that secret fetish. Something about lace doilies. I’ll tell you about it later.”

She tightened her leg around his waist, got on tiptoe and started rocking against his erection. “I thought we were going to keep our heads.”

She’d be so tight if he took her while that plug was inside her. Or Trick. Fuck. “I didn’t think you’d be using a sex toy in my class. You’re not playing fair, Jennifer.”

Tags: R.G. Alexander The Finn Factor Erotic