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Those muscles clenched around him and Trick gasped. “Declan. Oh fuck that’s good. Deeper. I need more. ”

He couldn’t wait anymore. He took his mouth off Trick’s shaft and looked up into his lover’s heated gaze. “You always need more.”

Declan dragged strong thighs over his shoulders and leaned forward, raising Trick’s ass high for his cock. Finally. They both groaned with the first glorious inch. “You’ve missed my mouth, Trick? I’ve missed fucking this ass. You shouldn’t keep it from me for so long. You know who it belongs to.”

“Remind me.”

Declan bared his teeth in a strained smile and powered deep, filling him in one agonizing stroke. They both moaned. “Like that? Do you remember that?”

Trick inhaled sharply. “I remember.”

He leaned down and bit at Trick’s lips, dragging his hips back before thrusting deep again. “What about this? Do you remember now? How much you crave it? How I can make you beg?”

“Yes.” Trick reached down and took his erection in hand, stroking it. “I could have begged you sooner if you weren’t such a stubborn son of a bitch. You’ve both been driving me crazy. You keep resisting and she keeps tempting me not to wait. I have to come, Declan.”

Declan shrug let Trick’s legs fall off his shoulders, feeling them cling to his hips. He gripped Trick’s wrists and forced them over his head, keeping them pinned with one hand. “I don’t want to hear it. You don’t get yourself off, Tristan. Not with me. Not unless I let you.”

They were both strong, and Trick could have struggled, but he didn’t. Instead he lifted his hips to take more of Declan’s cock. “You don’t want to hear about her? Did that picture finally send you over the edge? I know that’s why you came.”

“You’ll send me over if you keep talking.” His free hand dropped to Trick’s throat, caressing it with his fingers in a sensual threat as he rocked his hips, grinding against the tight, firm ass he loved. “You can say whatever you want, but I win. I made it to your damn deadline without giving in and you’re still giving me exactly what I wanted.”

Trick shook his head, licking his lips. “No, I don’t think you made it. I think you’re already lost. You just won’t admit it.”

Desire took over. He needed Trick. Needed release. Harder. Faster. Yes. “It’s not going to happen.”

“Yes,” Trick moaned loudly, starting to lose his cool. “Yes, it is. Oh God, Declan, I love it. Fuck me, harder. Make me come.”

“I know you love it,” Declan snarled as the sound of their slapping flesh kept time with his racing heart. “You always love it. And if you want to come, you never get to tease me like this again. Not for this long.”

“I won’t. Fuck, babe. I swear, I won’t.”

Declan knew he was losing control. The bed was rocking, moving with the force of his thrusts, but he didn’t care. He needed more. Needed to claim Trick. Make him his. “No more texts of women’s underwear. You’ll come home with me and you won’t leave my bed until I’m satisfied.”

“You want her,” Trick gasped, still resisting. “I know you do.”

I do. Too much. “It’s not going to happen, Trick. Do you hear me? Not with her.” He felt electricity sparking at all his nerve endings and knew he was close. He lowered his hand from Trick’s throat to his cock, which was dripping precum, and stroked him the way he knew he needed.

“Fuck,” Trick shouted, senseless now. Everything else was forgotten. “I need to come. Don’t you fucking stop.”

“Never.” Declan’s voice broke as the storm broke over his body. “This ass is mine.”

Mine. So good. I’ll never stop…

They gasped together as the breath was ripped from their lungs, both of them wracked with shudders as their climaxes came together. Declan lowered his forehead to Trick’s and felt his shaky breaths blowing against his cheek. All he could hear was their breath in the silent room. Their beating hearts.

All he could hear…

Trick went stiff beneath him, and Declan knew he’d come to the same realization. He turned his head toward the bathroom door and found it open, a beautiful silhouette in the entry watching them in silence.

The blow dryer had stopped. He wasn’t sure when.

Trick forced a laughed, but his heart was beating erratically against Declan’s. “We got impatient waiting for you. But we left the shoes alone.”

She didn’t laugh. “I can see that.”

Declan couldn’t see anything. He narrowed his eyes and focused on her face. What was she thinking? Did she like what she saw?

Impossibly, his cock stirred.


Trick nudged him, and he slipped out and rolled away, standing with his back to her. He rolled off the condom and pulled up his jeans swiftly. Fuck, where should he put the condom? Grimacing, he tied it off and shoved it in his pocket before turning back around to look for his shirt.

Tags: R.G. Alexander The Finn Factor Erotic