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Chuck waved to the café we sat outside. “Now that I have this deposit back, I’m buying half the family business. I’ve wanted to for a while, but I didn’t have the funds. And my mom doesn’t need the help, but she’s more than ready to have someone help bear some of the workload.”

“That’s wonderful,” I said, smiling at him. His mother may act like she didn’t need the help, but I knew for a fact she was desperate for it. Chuck doing this was the first non-selfish thing I’d seen him do in a long time and it gave me hope that he was coming out of his dark, toxic asshole phase he’d been in these past few weeks. “I’m really happy for you, Chuck.”

He grinned too, smoothing some of my wild hair back behind my ear, the touch completely platonic. “I never thought we’d get here, Ry. I’ve never seen you happier, and I’m really glad we’re talking again. Like we used to. As friends.” He sighed. “Again, I’m sorry I was such a dick. I know that doesn’t cut it, but I’ll try to make it up to you. By leaving you alone, or whatever you need.”

I looked up at him with nothing but sincerity. “I think space is good,” I admitted, not wholly able to forget the past few weeks. “But I’m glad too, Chuck,” I said. “I seriously wish nothing but the best for you, and I think you helping your mom out is amazing.” He opened his arms, and I shifted the folder to hug him. There was something cathartic about the hug, something cleansing as I released him.

“Thank you for making it possible,” he said, drawing my hand up to his lips to plant a quick kiss there, a goodbye kiss.

I didn’t pull away, even though my body begged me to. Instead, I relished the healthy closure we were getting. This is how things should’ve ended a few months ago, but he’d been too angry and bitter, and I had been too stubborn to see the truth in front of me. The truth that my future looked a hell of a lot different than I’d always planned. I smiled at him, taking my hand back, totally bubbly at the way things finally felt like they were clicking back into place. A place where no more toxicity rested between us, and nothing tied me to this man for one second longer. A place where I was wholly free to explore what my heart wanted with Caspian.

Because I loved him more than I even fathomed. I loved the way he made me light up like a Christmas tree by merely walking into the room. God, I couldn’t wait to see him. To tell him about this moment, which felt so huge for me as a person that I sort of wished he was here to witness it. Despite having let go of the past weeks ago, today I’d made it official with the contract and with Chuck. There were no gray areas between us now, no hostility, just acceptance and the peace of attempting to be friends again. It felt good, and I wanted to share that with him.

I wanted to share everything with Caspian.

And I couldn’t wait one more second.

“I’ve got to go,” I said. “I’ll run these over to the lender right now. And once it’s all cleared you’ll, see that deposit back in your account.”

“If you have things to do, I’ll take it.”

“Are you sure?” I handed over the folder.

“Absolutely.” Chuck held onto my hands, drawing them to his lips in an innocent kiss. “Thank you, Ry. I’m so glad we’re okay again.”

“Me too,” I said, backing up. “I’ll see you around.” I spun around and headed down main street, my chin high and my heart soaring. Step one in taking control of my life had been completed, now on to the next.

My heart felt like it was lodged in my throat as I headed up toward Caspian’s mother’s front porch. I slid my hands over the dress I’d spent an hour picking out, hoping Caz would like the hunter green silk that hugged my curves. I didn’t normally dress up like this, especially the pumps, but tonight was a special occasion, or at least I hoped it was.

Swallowing my nerves, I couldn’t contain my excited smile as I knocked on their front door. A few seconds with nothing but the sound of my heart hammering against my chest and then footsteps echoed from the other side of the door.

“Hi,” I said, my heart deflating just a bit at the sight of Caspian’s mother. “Is Caspian home?” I asked, suddenly feeling like I was thirteen years old again and asking if he and London could come out and play. I hadn’t texted because I wanted to surprise him.

Tags: Samantha Whiskey Carolina Reapers Romance