Page 34 of Serves Me Wright

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I put the camera to my eye and trailed the players, focusing in on my friends and snapping shots. Blaire scoring a goal, Annie passing to Hollin, Isaac getting fancy and pulling a nutmeg—passing the ball between the opponent’s legs—and then finally landing on Julian.

My heart stuttered at the sight of him. His shorts were shorter than average, revealing inches of his tan, muscular legs. His hair flopped side to side as he ran with the ball. His footwork was impeccable. There was something about him. About having been under him.

I’d never thought that I’d be the kind of girl who would get drunk and have a one-night stand with a guy. That was Annie. Not me. But I couldn’t regret that it had happened, no matter what my mom had said. And part of me hoped it wasn’t actually a one-time thing.

The game ended with The Tacos winning at an embarrassing twelve to two. The teams shook hands, and then the guys stripped out of their shirts, mopping up their sweat with them. My eyes hungrily roved over Julian’s body.

“You’re drooling,” Piper joked, nudging me.

I coughed and looked away. “I can appreciate a nice body.”

“So can I. Hollin looks hot as fuck.”

My eyes rounded.

Sutton looked at Madison and was glad to see that she was still napping.

“Sorry,” Piper said, “but look at his body. He’s built like a tank.”

We both looked. He certainly was, and he was tatted to high heaven. I’d never really noticed how many tattoos covered Hollin Abbey’s body. I’d been too busy admiring Julian.

“But I thought you and Hollin were like oil and water,” I said.

“We are,” she agreed. “Being around him makes me want to stab something.”

“But he’s still hot,” I volunteered.

Piper’s gaze was stuck on Hollin with a glare in her brown eyes. “He’s still hot.”

I laughed and came to my feet, shaking the grass off of my legs. “I’m going to go congratulate them.”

“Say hi to Julian for me,” Piper said with a smirk.

“Hollin for you.”

“You wouldn’t.” Her cool demeanor slipped.

One day, I wanted to know what had started this huge feud between Piper and Hollin. But for now, it was fun to tease her.

“Love you,” I said, waving at her.

I veered for Annie and Blaire, but as I got there, Julian stepped into my path. He was still shirtless, sweat dripping down his chest. His shirt was slung over his shoulder, and his bag was at his feet. He’d changed out of his cleats and into his indoor Pumas.

“Hey, I heard that you’re moving in with Blaire and Piper,” he said with a panty-melting smile.

“Good news travels fast.”

“I knew you were worried about what you were going to do now that Annie is moving in with Jordan.”

I was. I’d told him that last weekend on the drive to Austin.

“Looks like I was worried for nothing. It all worked out in the end.”

“Definitely. Need help with the move? I’m sure I can borrow Jordan’s truck and coax Hollin into helping.”

I flushed at the thought of him and Hollin, shirtless, moving my belongings. I cleared the thought from my head. “That would be amazing actually.”

“Not a problem.” He grinned. “Might even be able to convince my cousins to help. You know, Jensen also has a giant pickup. Good ole boys.”

“Wright Construction would now be Wright Movers.”

“Hey, we do business where it’s necessary.”

“I’d really appreciate it.”

“I just have one question,” he said, crossing his arms over his amazing pectorals.

“Uh-huh.” I tried not to be distracted by the gesture. The last time I’d seen him in this little clothing, we’d been having sex.

“What are you going to do about the cats?”

“Oh fuck,” I whispered.

What was I going to do about Avocado and Bacon?



I never thought I’d be a cat person.

I was definitely not a cat person.

And yet the thought of leaving the two babies behind that I’d named and been feeding for over a year was heart-wrenching. It was impossible. There was no way I was doing that. Just because they weren’t indoor cats didn’t mean they weren’t my cats.

So, I’d stayed up all week after I finished packing and editing to research what the hell I was supposed to do in this situation. Cats didn’t like to be introduced to new environments, even when they belonged to you. Stray cats that I’d been feeding and such were definitely not going to be happy.

Poor Avocado and Bacon. This was not going to be fun.

At least Julian had agreed to come and help.

Which was why he was now setting up a spring-loaded cat trap. I hadn’t wanted to use them at all. They seemed so scary, and I didn’t want to traumatize the cats that I’d just decided belonged to me.

So, I’d gone out and gotten pet carriers along with fancy, smelly cat food to entice them to get inside. I’d rather get them into a regular carrier than trap them and have them freak out. With my luck, they’d never forgive me.

Tags: K.A. Linde Erotic