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“A cheeseburger day?” he repeated.

His voice was low, throaty and warm. Warm. I hadn’t thought Hades was capable of speaking in such a way. Or maybe he was speaking the exact same way he had before, but I was different now.

It seemed that there were going to be two versions of me: B.H. and A.H. Otherwise known as Before Hades and After Hades.

“Yes,” I sighed, still looking at the ceiling. “If there is ever a time for a cheeseburger, it’s after...” I struggled to find the right words. “So many orgasms I can’t even count. After the absolute best sex I’ve had in my life. The kind of sex I didn’t know existed. The kind of sex I couldn’t possibly tell anyone about because they’d think I was making it up.”


I really hadn’t meant to say all of that. It was the sex. It had done things to me.

Heat crawled up my neck. Now I was still looking at the ceiling because I had no other choice but to stare at the ceiling. I couldn’t possibly look at Hades’s handsome, angled, masculine face after spewing out that very embarrassing and dorky statement.

But he took the choice away from me as he lifted from his back onto me. He rested his forearms on either side of my body, not giving me his full weight. But he gave me his full stare, and it crushed me. In a good way.

Though his features couldn’t possibly have changed in the past few hours, like his voice, it was softer now. The edge was still there, of course. This was not a man who could lose his edge.

I could not predict what Hades was going to say at any given moment, but what he said next would never have even entered my mind in my wildest dreams.

“Okay, baby, I’ll go get us cheeseburgers,” he murmured, kissing my nose. “You’re going to stay here. You’re not going to shower. You’re going to open a bottle of wine. You’re going to do that without putting on any panties. You can wear a robe. Nothing else.” His eyes bore into mine. “Is that clear?”

“Yeah,” I whispered. “Clear.”

He kissed me then, his mouth moving slowly over mine, his hand trailing down to cup my pussy. “And I’ve gotta say, I love what you’ve got going on down there,” he murmured, stroking the hair between my legs. “You ever get rid of it, we’re gonna have problems.”

“I’ll never get rid of it,” I promised, forgetting that I was not supposed to take anything off my body, or in this case, keep it on my body, at the demand of a man.

“Good.” He cupped me hungrily, then he went to get us cheeseburgers.

Because I was high on Hades, on what had just happened, it didn’t enter my mind that before this, Hades had never left me alone in the house. Not even for ten minutes. It didn’t enter my mind to wonder why that was. I just went into the kitchen, opened a bottle of wine and waited for him.


I should not have come back. I knew better. I’d finally got to taste her pussy, got to feel her cunt around me. Everything I’d been torturing myself with. So there was no reason to stick around.

Except there was.

There were a thousand fucking reasons.

Freya’s skin flushing as she babbled on about how fucking good the sex was—and the sex wasn’t just good, there wasn’t a word to describe what it was. Freya talking about cheeseburgers. The smell of her hair. The way she fucking spun around in that dress, looking tiny without her shoes on. The hair on her cunt. The tight, velvet grasp against my cock.

Yeah, there were about a thousand and one reasons why I came back to her house, holding a greasy paper bag, unwilling to go anywhere else.

The dog met me at the door. Another fucking reason I came back. I liked her fucking dog. Glancing to the floor by the sideboard with all the shit on it—shit that didn’t make sense mixed with shit I fucking liked … pillows, candles, fucking all of it—my cock went hard at the memory of this afternoon. At Freya’s face, flushed, full of ecstasy and full of fucking me.

“Hey,” she whispered. She was in her robe, standing up from the sofa.

I dropped the cheeseburgers on the counter.

“Take off the robe, bend over the couch,” I snarled. “I’m gonna fuck you, then we’re gonna eat cheeseburgers.”

Her robe dropped to the floor.

I fucked her, and then we ate cheeseburgers.

Chapter Thirteen


“This is your fault,” I snapped at Hades, emerging from my closet for the five hundredth time.

He was lying on my bed with Sirius on top of his feet—now allowed on my bed because we were done with all the fucking, for now at least—completely naked, his hands behind his head, the sheets covering him from the waist down, looking absolutely delicious. My sheets were white, my ornate headboard also white with gold hardware. My side tables were mirrored, and both had large glass lamps and fresh flowers on them. White flowers.

Tags: Anne Malcom Sons of Templar MC Erotic