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“Freya,” he repeated, my name a warning.

“It’s stupid,” I whispered. “And embarrassing.”

“I don’t give a fuck,” Hades snapped. “Talk.”

“I’m just worried...” I trailed off, suddenly unable to look him in the eye. I inspected the ceiling.

For about two point five seconds.

“You look at me, Freya,” he demanded.

I took a deep breath then met his eyes. My husband’s eyes. “I’m worried it won’t be the same, I won’t be the same. Down there.” I swallowed, mortified. “That I’ll feel different. That it won’t be as good.”

There it was, a shameful admission, one that I shouldn’t have even voiced. My body had done exactly what it was designed to do. It had birthed our amazing daughter, and it had healed how it was supposed to heal. Yet because I was a coward, I hadn’t looked too closely at that area.

“You’re serious,” Hades remarked, surprise in his tone.

I pursed my lips and nodded.

“Freya, I didn’t think I could love your pussy anymore until six weeks ago.” He kissed my neck. “Whatever has changed down there is only going to make me love it more because it’s evidence of what you’ve given me.” His lips trailed lower, encircling my nipple.

I cried out, my hands tearing through his hair. My breasts were still swollen and full of milk, much more tender than they’d ever been.

“Your pussy has given me the fuckin’ world, Freya,” he added, lifting his head to look into my eyes. Then they slid down my stomach, the one that bore stretchmarks and was nowhere near as flat as it used to be. Hades worshipped it.

Then he continued his descent lower, to my pussy, and he worshipped that too. His lips moved slowly, with reverence, exploring every inch of me. My body reacted in that exact same way as it had before Eva, savoring the pure ecstasy he gifted me with.

I fisted the sheets as my body writhed in pleasure, every nerve ending singing for Hades, desperate for more, for release. Just as I was about to topple into oblivion, Hades stopped. My entire body protested as he climbed upward, his lips brushing mine with the taste of me as his cock pressed up against me.

“First time you come is going to be around my cock, Freya. The baby is asleep, so your gonna have to come quietly,” he murmured against my lips, poised at my entrance.

My nails clawed at the skin of his back, willing him to start working on that orgasm he’d promised. “I’ll be quiet.” My voice was low, desperate, feral.

The cords in Hades’s neck stood out with the effort it was taking him to stay there, right there, and not surge inside.

“There will be time, when we have the house to ourselves, when I’ll make you scream, don’t you worry baby. I’ll take care of you.”

It was another oath I looked forward to him fulfilling.

I lifted my hands to cup his cheek. “I know, Hades,” I whispered.

Then he surged inside of me.

There was a time when the house had been empty and he’d made me scream. But those times were just memories for the next twenty-three years. Although we always found the time, even when, as time went on, our house was rarely empty. Not just with Eva then later with her friends. But after much convincing and reassuring, the house was later filled with the twins, Carver and Miles. And after that, it was Victoria. Then we were done.

Because our home was plenty full.

Tags: Anne Malcom Sons of Templar MC Erotic