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The backyard that, in the space of the two hours it took me to get ready—thanks to Marilyn, Macy, Caroline and Aunt V distracting me and plying me with drinks—had transformed into a wedding venue.

Hades and I had been separated, which meant that Eva and I had been separated. The next time I saw them, Hades was wearing a dress shirt and slacks, and his cut of course. Eva was wearing the most beautiful little dress that Gwen had bought for her—I found that out later.

They were standing at the end of an aisle. In our backyard. There was an arch covered in flowers, the desert a perfect backdrop. Seats had been set up on either side of an aisle constructed with lanterns.

Everyone we knew and loved was there. A sea of Sons of Templar cuts. Des, grinning from ear to ear, wearing a tan suit complete with elbow patches. Marilyn and Jed. All the girls from Fate. Oliver from the coffee shop. All of the Sons of Templar Old Ladies.

All of our family.

Aunt V walked me down the aisle, her hand tight in mine as I stared at Hades and my daughter. Hansen was standing there, too, because who else officiated an outlaw wedding but the president of said outlaws.

Aunt V pulled me in for a tight hug when we reached the end. “You did it, my sunshine,” she murmured in my ear. “You got the exact life you deserve.”

She let me go, smiled at Hades and Eva then went to sit down in the front row beside Des. Though almost all of my attention was focused forward, I didn’t miss how Des placed his hand on Aunt V’s thigh before she covered it with her own.

Then my focus went to Hades and my daughter.

“Only you would propose to me with a wedding,” I teased, fighting back tears.

Like the expert he was, Hades nestled Eva in one of his large arms to reach into his jacket and retrieve a ring. No box.

By the look of the cut and carat, it needed a box. That should not have been roaming around in the pocket of his cut. But then again, it was safe with Hades. As were me and Eva.

I held out a shaking hand to let Hades slide the diamond onto my finger. It was black.

It was perfection.

“You’re gonna marry me,” he murmured. “You’re gonna spend the rest of your life with me.”

My heart thundered. “Yes sir,” I whispered.

Then we got married.

The rest of the night was euphoric. Our home full of people, laughter and love. Eva settled in her father’s arms, happy and content as music filtered softly through the speaker. All of the surfaces in our living room were covered with either food or flowers. It was casual, relaxed and exactly how I wanted my wedding reception to be.

I would’ve been happy for it to last the entire night, but Hades promptly kicked everybody out after only a handful of hours.

I knew why after we’d put Eva to sleep in her crib. Sirius promptly curled up at the base of it, the other male who was never far from her side.

It had been six weeks.


And Hades had made it clear just how long those six weeks had been for the both of us when the buttons of my dress went clattering to the floor.

I forgot about everything else but Hades and his hands. He let out a low hiss when he revealed my lingerie.

He stepped back, rubbing his hand over his mouth, cock straining through his slacks. “Turn around,” he rasped, his voice husky.

Trembling with desire, I did as he ordered.

When I turned around, his eyes were burning. “Never seen anything more fucking perfect in my life, Freya.”

My entire body flushed.

“Lie down on the bed, baby,” he ordered.

I did as I was told.

Then I went up on my elbows, watching as Hades slowly undressed, my entire body coiled with need, with excitement.

Once he was naked, he climbed on the bed. My eyes feasted on his cock. Long. Thick. Hard. Magnificent. Then my eyes went to the space above his heart. Up until six weeks ago, it had been the only place on his body where there was naked skin. Now, mine and Eva’s names were inked on top of his heart.

“Lift your hips for me, baby,” he murmured, his hands running up my stocking-covered legs.

“You arranged this whole wedding because it’s the first night we could fuck?” I moaned, my mind working slowly thanks to all the desire flooding it.

His hands at my hips, pulling down my panties answered that particular question. My body relaxed against his touch, desperate for him, until he pushed apart my legs.

Then I froze.

Hades noticed immediately, his eyes darting to mine. “Freya?’

I pursed my lips, my cheeks suddenly hot.

He moved up so he was laying on top of me. The weight of his body was comforting, but not comforting enough.

Tags: Anne Malcom Sons of Templar MC Erotic